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Onsite Research
Autoclave Test Facility

To help meet a national strategic commitment to clean power generation, NETL is developing a technology base for tomorrow's highly efficient, near-zero-emissions power plants. Environmental and geosciences researchers perform laboratory-scale studies of solid, liquid, and gaseous fuel flows and their interactions in the Autoclave Test Facility. These studies are performed, for example, to determine whether flue gases are suitable for capture and storage (sequestration) after release from coal-fired plants.

NETL has a wide range of equipment as well as analytical and diagnostic instrumentation to support these studies. Half-liter and one-liter continuously stirred autoclave reactors are ideal for investigations involving gas/liquid or gas/slurry interactions, and are equipped with CO2, SO2, and flue gas feed lines. Each of these units is manufactured by Progressive Equipment Corporation, and has a pressure rating of 6,000 psig @ 650 ºF. The one-liter reactor is equipped with a high-pressure pH meter capable of measurement at pressures of up to 900 psi, and is configured with an in-situ pH meter. A simplified schematic of the one-liter reactor unit is shown below, followed by photos of the equipment and instrumentation.

One Liter Reactor Apparatus
Simplified schematic of continuously-stirred batch autoclave reactor apparatus.

Autoclave Reactor
½ liter autoclave reactor with flue gas capability

Autoclave Reactor
One liter autoclave reactor with flue gas capability and in-situ sampling/pH measurements

Autoclave Reactor
Monitor and control equipment for autoclave reactor units 1 & 2

For more information contact Yee Soong