Child Welfare League of America Making Children a National Priority


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Benefits of Becoming a Member

Overview of Benefits

The cliché that there is strength in numbers has never been more true, nor has the need for that strength been greater. The Child Welfare League of America works with its member agencies every day to make children a national priority. As a member of CWLA, you add your voice to ours in ensuring that we achieve that mission.

Your membership in CWLA is critical on multiple levels, extending beyond your agency and into the lives of many. As a member, your organization supports a range of services at the regional and national levels that may or may not impact your agency every day. But beyond any doubt, your membership dramatically impacts children in your community and the quality of their lives. As a member, your contribution to the child welfare movement on their behalf is both a compelling responsibility and a privilege.

Through our Washington, DC-based national office, CWLA uses your leadership, input, and support to affect policy and practice throughout the United States and around the world. Through our regional offices, CWLA looks at the critical agendas for children at the state and local levels.

In addition to world-class advocacy CWLA is committed to excellence in all we undertake, with an emphasis on providing highly valued services that enhance the capacity and promote the success of the children and families we all serve.

We Provide:
  • The most powerful national advocacy voice in the country for children and families;

  • A network for public and private member agencies to work together toward a common goal;

  • Expert accreditation support with discounts to national accrediting bodies;

  • Outstanding national and regional conferences;

  • Consultation and technical assistance by nationally recognized experts in the field;

  • Up-to-date information on best practices for programs and organizational leadership;

  • Superior networking and opportunities for you to share your expertise with other national leaders;

  • Professional development and training for you and your entire organizational team

  • Exceptional publications

  • Cutting edge research and program evaluation; and

  • Regional offices throughout the country to provide local support.
Please take the time to consider the League's value to your agency, as well as the contributions that CWLA and its strong membership make every day to children, youth, families, and communities. Making children a national priority- with your membership, we will!

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