Organic Policy Information and Resources
Organic agriculture policy regulates the organic sector, protecting both producers and consumers, as well as promoting fair ecological and social practices. Agricultural policy environment can be favorable or unfavorable to organic.
See: Policies that Favor Organic Agriculture / Policies Against Organic Agriculture.

Through special policies and programs governments can support the development of Organic Agriculture; by offering subsidies, more funding for research, and other incentive programs for organic conversion.  → Read our 10 Country Case Studies on the Early Development of the Organic Sector
(from: Building Sustainable Organic Sectors)

There are currently two international standards for organic agriculture:

The Codex Alimentarius is a joint FAO/WHO commission for food standards; its guidelines for the production, processing, labeling and marketing of organically produced foods were finally adopted in 1999.

The IFOAM Basic Standards (IBS) are a keystone of the organic movement. Democratically and internationally adopted, they reflect the current state of organic production and processing methods. They are published as part of the IFOAM Norms, and were last revised in 2005.

Governments play a big role in the advancement of Organic Agriculture through trade negotiations and by supporting harmonization and equivalence.
→ Find out more at the website of the Interantional Task Force on Harmonization and Equivalence

The main texts available for advising governments on the policy framework, published in 2008, are available for free download:
UNEP-UNCTAD CBTF Study: Best Practices For Organic Policy

IFOAM's Building Sustainable Organic Sectors

Evaluation of the European Action Plan for Organic Food and Farming
2004 - offers a range of policy measures to support the development of the organic sector in order to meet consumer demands in a market-oriented way and to deliver public goods such as environmental protection and animal welfare. The measures included revision of the regulation defining organic food, support for organic farming through the rural development program and a consumer promotion campaign.

Arguments in Support of Organic Agriculture

(See Building Sustainable Organic Sectors)
See also the Bibliography

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Best Practices for Organic Policy (UNEP-UNCTAD)
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