It's a new way to search!

Welcome to our new search tool. Enter a keyword on any page to find the latest news stories, recent and archived articles, cars, homes for sale or rent, and area businesses.

This tool is designed to let you run keyword searches in the search box on any page (or above), and see the best matches from all the content on

To run a search, enter the keyword in the search box.

What is searched on

Results will include news articles from our affiliated newspapers and wire services, blogs, entertainment listings, forum posts and classified listings.
This search only searches content on

Tips for searching and getting the best results

  • If you are searching for a specific phrase, put quotation marks around the group of words you are searching.
  • To include multiple keywords in your search results, use a plus sign between the keywords you are looking for. (For example, "Mayor + Brick" will return results that include both terms.)
  • If you're not getting desired results, try using slightly more general search terms. (For example, "Nets beat Knicks" might not return any results for a game story, but "Nets + Knicks" most likely will.)
  • To help narrow your results, you can exclude certain terms by placing a hyphen before the term you want to exclude. (For example: "school -Montclair" if you're looking for a story about a school, but don't want to see results that include the word Montclair.)
  • Some common words, such as "how" and "where" are disregarded in search.
  • The search is case insensitive, there is no need to capitalize the search term(s).

Tips for sorting and refining results

  • In your search results, you will see a page featuring matches from each source: the first three news articles, along with the first three matches in other categories. You'll see only the categories that contain matches to your keywords.
  • For each category of results, you will see the total number of matches. Click "Show more" to see additional matches right on the page.
  • There are also links to view all results within a particular category, or details of individual matching items. In the Articles and Blogs category, your results will be displayed in chronological order with the most recent update on top, but you can also choose to see search results by relevance.
  • You may also see links to sections on that match your keywords.
  • News archives: The search results may include articles from our NewsLibrary archives. Full text of those articles is available for a modest fee. To purchase archive articles, you need an account with user ID and password.
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