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Press Releases

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12/5/2008 Interior Department Acted Correctly To Honor “Right To Carry” Firearm Laws In National Parks & Wildlife Refuges – U.S. Rep. Don Young
12/4/2008 Rep. Don Young Commends Interior Secretary For Moving To Remove Unconstitutional Land Withdrawal Procedure; 2008 Democratic Land Withdrawal Locked Up 42 Percent Of Nation’s Uranium Supplies
11/25/2008 New Environmental Manifesto “A Blue Print For Disaster” – U.S. Rep. Don Young
11/20/2008 U.S. Rep. Don Young Statement On Record $23.4 Billion Disbursement In FY 2008 Due To Onshore & Offshore Energy
11/17/2008 Rep. Don Young Commends Interior Department For Finalizing Rules On Western Oil Shale Production
11/12/2008 “New Alaska Gas Hydrates Report Highlights Need For An Alaska Gas Line” – U.S. Rep. Don Young (R-Alaska)
10/24/2008 Alaska To Benefit From Geothermal Energy Initiative On Federal Lands
10/24/2008 Alaska Congressional Delegation Protests Listing Of Cook Inlet Beluga Whale Under Endangered Species Act
10/17/2008 Rep. Young Applauds Minerals Management Service Approval of Alaska’s Coastal Impact Assistance Program Plan
10/17/2008 National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration Lists Cook Inlet Beluga as Endangered.
10/9/2008 New Committee Staff Report Highlights Numerous Inaccurate Energy Claims By Majority Federal Energy & Mineral Studies Show Flaws & Inaccuracies In Majority Staff Report
10/2/2008 New Energy Report Finds U.S. Domestic Production Could Provide 179 Years Of Oil & 495 Years Of Natural Gas Supplies
10/1/2008 Sali: Congress Needs to Hold Codifying NLCS Congressman Says Federal Investigation Should Be Completed First
9/26/2008 Congressman Young Introduces Legislation To Fulfill Bering Straits Native Corporation Land Entitlement
9/25/2008 Ranking Member McMorris Rodgers’ Statement From Today’s Hearing On Transfer Of Water Projects To Local Authorities
9/24/2008 Marine Turtle Conservation Act Introduced By Rep. Henry Brown
9/18/2008 Ranking Member Stevan Pearce’s Statement At Hearing On Inspector General Investigation On Questionable Activities At Minerals Management Service
9/18/2008 Rep. Rob Bishop Calls On Interior Department To Act On Possible Misconduct At National Landscape Conservation System
9/16/2008 Democratic “Energy” Bill A Sham . . . And Would Cost Alaska Billions In Revenues
9/15/2008 Pelosi Energy Bill Threatens $800 Billion In Royalties & Corporate Tax Revenues For U.S.
9/12/2008 Removal of OCS Revenue Sharing With Coastal States Confirms Pelosi “Energy” Bill Is A Sham
9/11/2008 Rep. Don Young Statement On Inspector General Report
9/11/2008 Dear Colleague: The Democrat Energy Bill is a Sham They’ve gone from 85 percent of the OCS Off Limits to More than 85 percent of the Oil Off limits
9/10/2008 Rep. Don Young Statement On Democrat’s Secret New Energy Bill
8/4/2008 Rep. Sali Works for Access to Public Lands and Energy Development
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Ranking Member,
Doc Hastings (WA-4)

Congressional Website

Republican Committee Membership:
Don Young, (AK-AL)
Elton Gallegly,(CA-24)
John Duncan Jr., (TN-2)
Jeff Flake, (AZ-6)
Henry Brown Jr., (SC-1)
Cathy McMorris Rodgers, (WA-5)
Louie Gohmert, (TX-1)
Rob Bishop, (UT-1)
Bill Shuster, (PA-9)
Doug Lamborn, (CO-5)
Adrian Smith (NE-3)
Robert J. Wittman (VA-1)
Paul Broun (GA-10)
John Fleming (LA-4)
Mike Coffman (CO-6)
Jason Chaffetz (UT-3)
Cynthia M. Lummis (WY-AL)
Tom McClintock (CA-4)
Bill Cassidy (LA-6)

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