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Message of Congressman Henry E. Brown, Jr.

Since coming to Congress in 2001, I have had the honor of representing the hard
working family fishermen, conservationists, hunters, shrimpers and outdoor enthusiasts of the 1st Congressional District in South Carolina. In the 110th Congress, I was selected to serve as the Ranking Republic Member on the Subcommittee on Fisheries, Wildlife and Oceans.

In that capacity, I have worked hard to ensure that all Americans have the
opportunity to:

  • Enjoy wildlife-dependent recreation on our vast public lands;
  • The National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration and the Fish and Wildlife Service have sufficient resources to effectively manage their programs;
  • Our National Wildlife Refuge System, including the three vibrant refuges within my district, offers a meaningful and educational experience for the 40 million people who visit at least one refuge each year;
  • Our fishermen have access to healthy and robust stocks of fish to provide seafood to the general public;
  • A small amount of American investment is spent to conserve flagship species throughout the world: and
  • Our oceans are thriving, clean and robust in the future.

 In this Congress, Republican members of the Subcommittee have played a leadership role in:

  • Extending successful conservation programs for highly imperiled African and Asian elephants, rhinoceros, tigers and other big cat species;
  • Efforts to create a new federal program to control and eliminate invasive species on refuge lands;
  • Extending the highly successful Coral Reef Conservation Act of 2000;
  • Promoting a National Ocean Exploration Program;
  • Highlighting the 10th anniversary of the enactment of the landmark National Wildlife Refuge Improvement Act of 1997;
  • Implementing the recommendations of the President's Commission onOcean Policy and, Encouraging meaningful energy independence by promoting not only alternative sources of energy but the use of vast natural gas resources on our federal Outer Continental Shelf.

I hope you have an opportunity to carefully review the issues contained within this web site to gain a better understanding of our perspective on some of the most important issues facing this nation.

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Ranking Member,
Henry E. Brown (R-SC)

Congressional Website

Republican Committee Membership:
Cathy McMorris Rodgers, (WA-5)
Tom Cole, (OK-4)
Robert Wittman (VA-1)
Doc Hastings (WA-4), ex officio