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NETL Oil & Natural Gas Technologies
Reference Shelf - Presentation on The Use of Epifluorescence Techniques

The Use of Epifluorescence Techniques to Determine Potential Oil-Prone Areas in the Mississippian Leadville Limestone, Northern Paradox Basin, Utah

Authors: David E. Eby, Thomas C. Chidsey, Jr., and Craig D. Morgan

Venue: Rocky Mountain Section AAPG Conference, Colorado Convention Center, July 9-11, 2008,

Abstract: Potential oil-prone areas for the Mississippian Leadville Limestone were identified in the northern Paradox Basin (Paradox fold and fault belt), Utah, based on hydrocarbon shows using low-cost epifluorescence techniques. The trapping mechanisms for Leadville producing fields are usually anticlines bounded by large, basement-involved normal faults. Epifluorescence microscopy is a technique used to provide information on diagenesis, pore types, and organic matter (including “live” hydrocarbons) within sedimentary rocks. It is a rapid, non-destructive procedure that uses a petrographic microscope equipped with reflected-light capabilities, a Hg-vapor light, and appropriate filtering.

Approximately 900 cutting samples were selected from 32 wells penetrating the Leadville Limestone (six gas, condensate, and oil wells, as well as 26 non-productive wells) throughout the region. These cuttings (generally four to ten samples per depth interval from each well) display intercrystalline porosity and occasional small vugs or molds. A qualitative visual rating (a range and average) based on epifluorescence evaluation was applied to the group of cuttings from each depth interval in each well. The highest average and highest maximum epiflourescence from each well were plotted and mapped.

As expected, productive wells (fields) are distinguished by generally higher epifluorescence ratings. However, a regional southeast-northwest trend of relatively high epifluorescence parallels the southwestern part of the Paradox fold and fault belt while the northeastern part shows a regional trend of low epifluorescence. This implies that hydrocarbon migration and dolomitization were associated with regional northwest-trending faults and fracture zones, which created potential oil-prone areas along the southwest trend.

Related NETL Project
This presentation is related to the NETL project DE-FC26-03NT15424, “The Mississippian Leadville Limestone Exploration Play, Utah and Colorado – Exploration Techniques and Studies for Independents” The goal of this project is to demonstrate techniques in the field and laboratory, and various studies (described above) that hopefully provide solutions to the problems that limit exploration for oil by the independent oil producers in the Leadville Limestone in the Paradox Basin of Utah and Colorado, which is a region primarily under the stewardship of the Federal government. These techniques and studies are low-cost, reduce exploration risk, and can be conducted in environmentally sensitive areas. The surface geochemical surveys represent a low-cost alternative to 3D seismic acquisition. Epi-fluorescence of well cuttings is equally inexpensive, fast, and conclusive. Having a complete reservoir characterization of the Leadville; regional cross sections, regional facies, thickness, hyrdrodynamic pressure regime, and quality of oil show maps, publicly available will assist the independent is targeting areas to concentrate exploration efforts. The net result will be increased drilling and new Leadville discoveries by independents, particularly on Federal lands in the Paradox Basin.

Project Contacts
NETL – Virginia (Ginny) Weyland ( or 918-699-2041)
Utah Geological Survey – Thomas C. Chidsey, Jr. ( or 801-537-3364)