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Combined Federal Campaign Number: 12053
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The National Forest Foundation has been working on other conservation issues, in addition to our four primary ones, which are community-based forestry, recreation, watershed recreation and wildlife habitat. The two other pressing issues are fires and fuels and invasive species.

Invasive Species - Non-native plants, animals or insects that displace or destroy native species are on the increase. These non-native species have severe impacts on watershed health and wildlife habitat. We are working to prevent the release of non-native species and contain or eradicate invasive species.

Fires and Fuels - Wildland fires are burning hotter and bigger than ever following a century of human activities that have changed the ecological character of forest ecosystems around the country. These large-scale, high-intensity fires can have negative effects on forest ecosystems and local communities.

Bosworth's Speech - In an Earth Day 2003 speech, U.S. Forest Service Chief Dale Bosworth introduced these and other important issues facing the National Forest System. To download that speech, please use the following link: Bosworth's Speech (PDF - 448K)


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