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May 2001

WHEREAS, The bicycle is a viable and environmentally sound form of transportation and an excellent form of recreation; and

WHEREAS, Millions of Americans will experience the joys of bicycling the month of May through educational programs, commuting events, trail work days, helmet promotions, and charity rides; and

WHEREAS, Americans in record numbers are turning to bicycling for recreation, exercise, and transportation; and

WHEREAS, May has been declared National Bike Month for each of the last forty (40) years, and is so again in 2001; and

WHEREAS, Bicycle clubs, schools, parks and recreation departments, police departments, hospitals, companies and civic groups throughout the nation will be promoting bicycling as a whole – some leisurely activity as well as an environmentally-friendly alternative to the automobile during the month of May 2001;

NOW, THEREFORE, I, (name of elected official or organization leader), (title or name of city, county, state, or organization), do hereby proclaim the month of MAY 2001 as NATIONAL BIKE MONTH, and urge all who support bicycling to participate in the events planned.


Issued this_______ day of _________________, 2001





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