New & Emerging Industries Established Industries
Sustainable Systems Capacity Building & Biosecurity
Carbon Trading and Renewable Energy -  A discussion paper on carbon credits and bioenergy developments for forestry and agriculture (08/184)
Full report (PDF 1meg)   Summary   (12kb)

Assessment of Methane Capture and Use from the Intensive Livestock Industry  (08/025  PRJ-000875)
Full report (PDF 1meg)   Summary   (PDF 1.4meg)

Future Biofuels for Australia (08/117 PRJ-002829)
Full report (PDF 1meg)   Summary   (PDF 1.4meg)

Methane to Markets in Agriculture Program - Research & Development Plan 2007 to 2009  (08/008)
Full report (PDF 1meg)   Foreword and Program snapshot  (PDF 1.4meg)

Biofuels in Australia – an overview of issues and prospects  (07/070  CSW – 44A)
Full report (PDF 3.2meg)   Summary  (12kb)   Abbreviated Report   (PDF 1.4meg)

Biodiesel Production for Rural Australia - An initial concept and model - Discussion paper prepared for Biodiesel in Agriculture Workshop (07/140  ACO-1A) -  Full report (646kb) is a PDF file and needs Acrobat Reader     Summary Report (16 kb)

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