An update on our December activities
in Southern Africa
Some of the thousands of Christmas Hampers ready to be delivered
Children Without Parents

It’s a busy period for us as we personally distribute thousands of Christmas Hampers to poor and needy people across Southern Africa. These photos are from Zimbabwe last week where we discovered homes without any adults, only children (the parents had died from HIV).

 Christmas Hamper Brings a Smile

This week we will continue our efforts in rural parts of South Africa, and we have another truckload leaving for Zimbabwe tomorrow.

It’s such a blessing to be able to help those who are less fortunate (in fact many of these folk are desperate).

Wishing you all a blessed Christmas!

Somalia - Home of the Worlds Largest Refugee Camp

Homeless & Hungry in Somalia

Its almost impossible to deliver aid into Somalia, one of the more remote and dangerous regions of the world. Most non-governmental organizations (NGO's) have left due to the insecurity. The United Nations have had 8 of its staffers and 24 aid workers killed this year. Convoys of food aid are attacked and hi jacked while aid workers face kidnapping or death . . .

Inspite of difficulties and endless challenges (our workers being detained for hours, harrased, endless roadblocks, guns pointed & threatened) our team managed to succesfully deliver and distribute 70 000 meals of food aid to 500 internally displaced families seeking refuge in Northern Somalia.>>More


 Hunger in Haiti

Over the past year it has been a blessing to see how that the partnership of Children’s Hunger Relief Fund and Children’s International Lifeline has accomplished so much. During the most difficult economic times that we have seen in many years Lifeline has been able to make great strides forward in many directions. My hope is that this letter and the newsletters, which we send you each month, can give you a small glimpse of the enormous impact that your partnership with Lifeline has made.>>More
  Hunger in Asia
A Samaritan Answer to Human Trafficking in Asia

A Samaritan Group Fact Finding Mission

In late 2007 and early 2008, Colonel V. Doner began asking leading questions of colleagues and co-workers and funding / initiating research to discover how effective action could be taken to expand his commitment to supporting the victims of Human Trafficking.

Several months of groundbreaking research, networking and initiating communication with a wide range of NGO’s Functioning in the Philippines, Cambodia and Thailand, crystallized into an itinerary of scheduled visitations to projects and service providers in these three countries over an 11 day period. >>More

Asia: The World's Brothel

Welcome to Asia: The World’s Brothel
by Monte E. Wilson

I have held Ethiopian children in my arms that died of starvation and disease only moments later. I have spoken with men and women who lost arms or legs during bombing raids in South Sudan, and watched these same people boiling tree leaves, hoping for some sort of nutrition to give their children. I have spoken to Filipino pastors who were tortured by Muslims because they refused to renounce their Faith. I have witnessed battles in the Philippine Provinces where the New People’s Army cut down innocent men, women and children. I thought nothing could match the horror of what I had already seen … until I saw 12 and 13 year-old girls being forced to sell their bodies. >>More

To read more about Monte’s Asia trip, click here.

Brant Doner on Asia

Children Living in Garbage Dumps and child sex trafficking as seen through the eyes of an 18 year old CJ Doner

By Brant Doner – 18 years old

This past summer a coalition of charities including Children’s Hunger Relief Fund journeyed to various countries in Asia in order to verify and inspect funded projects as well as possible future projects. The main theme throughout non-profit work in Asia is battling the massive sex slavery issue, which is estimated by the United Nations to have four million children and women involved. My journal is a day-by-day account of the projects, countries and people which we met along the way of trying to help with one of the world’s most heartbreaking tragedies. >>More

To read CJ’s journal, click here.

Ethopia: Hunger and Death are Everywhere

ETHIOPIA:“The Stench of Death Was Everywhere”

Over 2.18 million people now need emergency assistance to survive. Because of the effect that water shortages have had on crops and pastureland, Ethiopia has requested assistance to meet the nutritional needs of people in six of the country’s nine states.

UNICEF estimates six million Ethiopian children under the age of five are at risk of malnutrition and more than 120,000 have only about a month to live. More>>

Darfur: The Horror Continues

The latest from Darfur - the UK’s Independent calls it

“Darfur’s return to hell"

"Children raped. Homes looted. Villages torched. And thousands forced to flee aerial bombings – three months after UN took over peacekeeping”

For the complete article and a first-hand report from our team in the field, please click here>>

 Saving Children With Love

How Love Saved Four Children

Susan, Sarah, Simon and Michael are four remarkable children at the Samaritan Center in Kenya. Each were either orphaned or abandoned and have experienced unimaginable horrors at very young ages. More>>


Help us end world poverty, despair and war




  • Break the self-perpetuating cycle of poverty and conflict by providing deserving families an op-portunity for self-sufficiency through a $100 small business loan.
  • Thousands of families then create more jobs, as well as providing new goods and services (like food and clothing) for the community.
  • Create 100,000 family businesses within a ten year period!
  • Families pay the loan back which then goes on to help another family.
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To see a little of what we do and how it has helped, click here for a PDF file (464 kb).

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