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The IFOAM Norms

The IFOAM Norms

The IFOAM Norms are the IFOAM Basic Standards together with the IFOAM Accreditation Criteria.

The IFOAM Basic Standards (IBS) are a keystone of the organic movement. Democratically and internationally adopted, they reflect the current state of organic production and processing methods. These standards should not be seen as a final statement, but rather as a work in progress to contribute to the continued development and adoption of organic practices throughout the world. The IBS are structured as "standards for standards." They provide a framework for certification bodies and standard-setting organizations worldwide to develop their own more detailed certification standards which  take into account specific local conditions. 

The IFOAM Accreditation Criteria (IAC) establish requirements for conduct of organic certification by certification bodies. The IAC are based on the International ISO norm for the operation of certifying bodies and they are additionally developed to reflect the particular circumstances of certifying organic production and processing.

The IAC together with the IBS (along with their Interpretations and their changes resulting from Urgent Revisions - see below) establish the requirements for certification bodies seeking IFOAM accreditation. IFOAM accreditation is awarded to certification bodies that use certification standards in their IFOAM accredited certification program that at least meet the IFOAM Basic Standards. Secondly, the certification body itself needs to show compliance with the IAC.
The Norms, their Interpretations and their changes resulting from Urgent Revisions can be downloaded from the Norms Documents Library of this website.

Interpretations of the IFOAM Norms

In the context of IFOAM accreditation, questions may arise about how to understand the requirements of the IBS and the IAC. Therefore, IFOAM has developed policies and procedures for the interpretation of the Norms. The current interpretations of the Norms and the Interpretation Policies and Procedures can be downloaded from the Norms Documents Library.

Urgent Revision of the IFOAM Norms

Occasionally circumstances warrant that the normal procedures and timelines for norms revisions are superceded, and a section of the norms may be revised in-between the normal revision cycles. The current revisions to the text of the norms resulting from urgent revisions and the respective policies can be downloaded from the Norms Documents Library.

Regular Revision of the IFOAM Norms

Because the IFOAM norms are seen as a work in progress they are periodically revised and expanded by IFOAM in consultation with a broad group of members and other stakeholders. In 2001 the current norms were revised and entered into force upon approval by the IFOAM General Assembly in August 2002. Both documents have recently undergone a major revision.

The public consultation process regarding the revision of the 2002 IAC has been finalized.For an example of the revision process please refer to the IAC Revision Section of this website. There you can find the relevant policies and procedures and the documents prepared in the course of the revision of the 2002 IAC.

The public consultation process regarding the revision of the 2002 IBS will be finalized with a ratification vote at the IFOAM General Assembly in the middle of September 2005. The revision documents and the relevant Policies and Procedures for the revision of the IBS are available at the IBS Revision Section of this website.

Draft Standards

The continuous development of the IFOAM Basic Standards results in new areas that are under development, but not officially "IFOAM Basic Standards." These "Draft Standards" are intended to be elevated to full standards. They are also intended to guide standard setting organizations in developing their own regionally adapted standards. However, even though encouraged to use them for standard setting purposes IFOAM Accredited Certification Bodies (ACB's) are not obliged to follow Draft Standards. The current draft standards can be downloaded from the Draft Standards Section of this webiste.

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