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IFOAM Organic Trade Forum
The Organic World Café at BioFach 2006 was an inspiring annual meeting of the organic business world.

Report from the Organic World Café 2006

Presentations from the Organic World Café 2006
Walter Robb, Whole Foods Market USA, Thoughts on What Matters
Georg Schweisfurth, basic Germany, Key Ingredients for Organic Growth
Raj Seelam, 24 lettered Mantra India, A Southern Perspective

Goûts et Couleurs all Organic Buffet

Report from Organic World Café 2005

Presentations from Organic World Café 2005:
Mark Retzloff, Organic Trends in the US  
Carol Haest, Organic Trends in Europe
Mukesh Varma, Organic Trends in India
Maria Gardfjell, The OTF Code of Ethics
Hugo Skoppek, Nature&More - Holistic Quality Web Communication

IFOAM Organic Trade Forum (OTF)

The organization started and the first board was elected at BioFach Nürnberg 2004. The main mission of OTF is to organise traders of organic products – to create an IFOAM business network.

OTF Initiatives:
  • Develop organic trade
  • Improve business to business communication
  • Encourage ethical business practices
  • Attract more member partners to IFOAM by developing trade member benefits within IFOAM
  • Establish a forum for further discussions
The OTF can be an important resource when creating many of the member benefits. We want OTF to be the contact area between IFOAM membership and the companies. IFOAM can then develop ideas like closer cooperation with trade fairs, provide general and up to date information to traders, build the worldwide network, recruit good ambassadors among company-leaders, etc.

We look forward to strengthening the great work of IFOAM by partnering and collaborating with the organic business community through OTF.

Do you represent a trader, retailer, processing company or another company that work for organic
growth? You are welcome to join the IFOAM Organic Trade Forum. Please send your contact information to tradeforum @ifoam.org and we will invite you to IFOAM Organic Trade Forum network and activities.

“There are very few organic companies that are IFOAM members today. We, as representatives for the business members in IFOAM, can see the need for increasing the number and the influence of business minded members of IFOAM.”
- Maria Gardfjell, OTF Board Member

The IFOAM Organic Trade Forum Board:
Kari Örjavik - Chairperson
Grolink, Sweden, kari @grolink.se

Maria Gardfjell, Gardfjell Eko/EkoG, Sweden, maria @gardfjell.se

Mark Retzloff, Aurora Organic Dairy, USA, markr @auroraorganic.com

Mukesh Varma, Mukesh Varma Green Network, India, mukesh @mukeshvarmagreennetwork.com

Conrad Thimm, Consultant for Organic Trade, Germany, ConraThimm @aol.com
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Signing Ceremony Between IFOAM and the Organic Trade Forum
OTF Code of Ethics
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