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The IFOAM Organizational Structure
The International Federation of Organic Agriculture Movements (IFOAM) is a grassroots and democratic organization that currently unites 750 member organizations in 108 countries.

In order to achieve its mission and address the complexity of  the various components of the organic agricultural movement worldwide, IFOAM has established official committees and groups with very specific purposes, from the development of standards to the faciliation of organic agriculture in developing countries.

The IFOAM General Assembly serves at the foundation of IFOAM. It elects the World Board for a three year term. The World Board appoints members to official committees, working groups and task forces based upon the recommendation of the IFOAM membership, and IFOAM member organizations also establish regional groups and sector specific interest groups.

The IFOAM World Board has established the following official structures:
  • The Norms Management Committee, which includes members of the Standards Committee and the Accreditation Criteria Committee
  • The FAO Liaison Office
  • Various Working Groups and temporary Task Forces
  • IFOAM Regional Groups
IFOAM member organizations have also established professional bodies such as the IFOAM Organic Trade Forum, the Organic Retailers Association, the IFOAM Aquaculture Group and the IFOAM Forum of Consultants and initiatives like the Farmers' Group.
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