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Links to Other Anti-Hunger and Poverty Organizations

Learn what others are doing to fight hunger and poverty



ACDI-VOCA is a private, nonprofit international development organization providing high-quality technical expertise at the request of farmers, agribusinesses, cooperatives, and private and government agencies abroad.

Action Against Hunger directly delivers emergency aid and longer-term assistance to people suffering from the dire consequences of natural disaster or man-made crisis. Thier mission is to save lives by combating hunger, disease, and the crises threatening the lives of helpless men, women, and children.

Adventist Development and Relief Agency International (ADRA) is the worldwide humanitarian ARM of the Seventh-day Adventist Church, providing individual and community development and disaster relief.

African Development Foundation (ADF) is the only U.S. government agency working solely at the grassroots level in Africa to alleviate poverty and promote broad-based sustainable development. For more than 20 years, ADF has helped grassroots groups and individuals in Africa help themselves by providing the resources they need to advance their own efforts to promote economic and social development.

Africa Faith and Justice Network (AFJN) strives to be a meaningful voice for Africa in U.S. public policy. AFJN stresses issues of human rights and social justice that tie directly into Catholic social teaching

The Agriculture-Nutrition Advantage promotes greater linkages between agriculture and nutrition in Africa, with careful consideration of factors that limit women's and men's contributions to family nutrition.

America's Second Harvest is the nation's largest domestic hunger relief organization. Through a network of nearly 200 food banks, Second Harvest distributes food to 26 million hungry Americans each year, eight million of whom are children.  

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Baptist World Aid (BWAid) works through Baptist communities around the world, mitigating suffering and providing long-range help for persons in need, regardless of religion, nationality, tribe or class. BWAid also helps poor people avoid situations of famine and malnourishment and improves their capacity for self-help and wage earning.

Bread for the World local chapter web sites:

Bread for the City and Zacchaeus Free Clinic (B&Z) provides free food, clothing, medical care, legal and social services to over 8,000 low-income and homeless resdients of Washington, DC each month.

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Catholic Campaign for Human Development is the domestic anti-poverty, social justice program of the U.S. Catholic bishops. CCHD assists people to rise out of poverty through empowerment programs that foster self-sufficiency. Through private donations and annual parish collections, CCHD has offered more than $260 million in support to nearly 4,000 self-help projects developed by grassroots groups of poor people.

Catholic Charities USA works to support families, reduce poverty, and build communities. It is the largest private network of social service organizations in the United States

Catholic Relief Services represents the US Catholic community by helping people in more than 80 countries around the world.

Call to Action is a Catholic movement working for equality and social justice.

Call to Renewal is an interdenominational Christian organization working to reverse the polarization of religion in politics and to lend moral direction to political debate in America.

Care and Share Food Bank serves hungry people in a caring and efficient manner through a variety of programs in Flagstaff, AZ, and the surrounding communities.

Center for Faith in Politics provides a forum to discuss government from a progressive religious perspective, founded on traditional and contemporary theology.

Center for Global Development is an independent, not-for-profit think tank that works to reduce global poverty and inequality by encouraging policy change in the U.S. and other rich countries through rigorous research and active engagement with the policy community. 

Center on Budget and Policies Priorities is a nonpartisan research organization and policy institute that conducts research and analysis on a range of government policies and priorities, with an emphasis on those affecting low- and moderate-income people.

Center on Hunger and Poverty of Brandeis University's Heller School promotes policies which improve the lives and developmental capacities of low-income children and families in the nation. Established in 1990, the Center brings cutting-edge empirical evidence to the attention of policy makers, the press and the public, and provides advocacy groups and citizen organizations with the latest knowledge in relevant fields.

Children's Defense Fund is the nation's leading advocacy group for children's social issues.

Children's Hunger Relief Fund responds to children's immediate physical, emotional, and spiritual needs following drought, earthquake, hurricane, war, and other disasters. is unique gourmet chocolate gift shop that helps stop world hunger. Each item from includes a small but specific donation to a hunger relief project in Africa, India or South America.

Church World Service is a coalition of 36 Protestant, Anglican, and Orthodox communions in the U.S., cooperating worldwide in programs of long-term development, emergency response and assistance to refugees. CWS is perhaps best known among anti-hunger activists for sponsoring the annual 2,000 CROP WALKS throughout the U.S. that have been raising funds and awareness to fight hunger for more than 30 years.

Coalition on Human Needs is an alliance of national organizations working together to promote public policies which address the needs of low-income and other vulnerable populations.

Congressional Hunger Center develops new and existing anti-hunger leaders through its Mickey Leland Hunger Fellows Program and Beyond Food AmeriCorps Program. The Center teams up program participants to work with and learn from today's leaders and experts on poverty and hunger.

Covering Kids and Families works to connect uninsured children and their families to available health care coverage through state Medicaid and SCHIP programs. Visit their site for more information on participating in outreach and enrollment to uninsured children and families.

Cross-Cultural Solutions is one of the leading international volunteer organizations in the United States and sends over 1,000 volunteers overseas every year. Short and long-term volunteer placements are available in Latin America, Africa, Asia and Eastern Europe.

The Cuernevaca Center for Intercultural Dialogue on Development works to spread the ideals of social justice by educating and exposing Americans and Canadians to the realities of life for poor and hungry people in Southern Mexico.

The United Nations' Cyberschoolbus promotes education about international issues and the United Nations. High quality teaching materials and activities designed for primary, intermediate and secondary school levels, and for training teachers in English, Spanish, French, Russian, Chinese and Arabic.

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Development Gateway is part of a World Bank initiative hosting a wide range of development topics where you can submit your own content and share ideas with other people. The link included here takes you to the Food Security section.

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Enough uses in-depth knowledge to create clear, viable policy recommendations, and engage activists to apply pressure on the perpetrators and well-meaning governments whose own inertia prevents them from taking the steps necessary to stop genocide and crimes against humanity.

Episcopal Relief and Development provides emergency assistance in times of disaster; rebuilds devastated communities and offers long-term program development solutions to fight poverty.

Evangelical Lutheran Church in America—Division for Church in Society, is the social justice arm of the ELCA. Through an extensive network of emergency disaster response, social ministry, education, public policy and corporate advocacy, ELCA members address the needs of God's world through works of service, justice and peace.

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The Feinstein Foundation seeks to end hunger in America through educational programs and political advocacy. To participate in the campaign, sign the online petition, download a petition and send it in via snail mail, or apply for one of three humanitarian scholarships offered by the Foundation.

World Hunger Year's Feeding Minds, Fighting Hunger has lesson plans for teaching hunger basics at the primary, intermediate and secondary levels. Available in English, Spanish, French, Chinese, Italian and Arabic. The site now features a Youth Window. This new feature, designed and written for 13-19 year olds, contains information, resources and activities for young people to use on their own.

First8 is a unique Dutch photography campaign against poverty. Through the use of photography, video and music, their site explores the "unacceptable consequences of poverty" using the eight Millennium Development Goals as its guide.

Food Bank of North Carolina is a non-profit organization that provides food to people at risk of hunger in 34 counties in central and eastern North Carolina. In 2002-03, the Food Bank distributed over 24 million pounds of food to more than 860 partner agencies including soup kitchens, food pantries, shelters, and after school programs for children.

Food First —formally known as the Institute for Food and Development Policy —seeks to eliminate the injustices that cause hunger by awakening people to the possibility of social change and their own power to bring it about.

Food for the Hungry is a Christian relief and development organization dedicated to meeting physical and spiritual needs around the world through integrated self-development and relief.

The UN World Food Programme (WFP) has released a video game called Food Force. Available for download for free, the game is compatible with Macs and PCs. The game puts players in charge of a hunger relief effort on the fictional Indian Ocean island of Sheylan, ravaged by a civil war, flooding and drought. You lead a crack multinational team of WFP professionals including a logistics officer, nutritionist and air drop specialist, and you must lead the team through six missions to bring food and supplies to the desperate natives of Sheylan -- everything from air surveillance to figuring out a good balanced diet, airdropping supplies, and helping natives get the most out of their natural resources by planning future farming efforts.

Food Research and Action Center (FRAC) is a leading national organization working to improve public policies to eradicate hunger and undernutrition in the United States.

Foods Resource Bank is a non-governmental, humanitarian, Christian organization committed to ensuring that "Food is a Basic Human Right" for all persons through support of sustainable development programs which address the human need for food security.

Freedom From Hunger brings innovative and sustainable self-help solutions to the fight against chronic hunger and poverty. Together with local partners, they equip families with resources they need to build futures of health, hope and dignity.

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Global Call to Action Against Poverty highlights the work of different countries involved in the Millennium Campaign. Find out what is going on in this world-wide alliance to compell world leaders to act against poverty.

The Global Communications Network for Justice project establishes a structure that enables existing non-governmental organizations (NGOs) and social justice organizations to communicate with one another in order to become more effective in educating and advocating on behalf of human rights, especially the right to food as stated in Article 25 of the Universal Declaration of Human Rights.

Global Fund to Fight AIDS, Tuberculosis and Malaria is a partnership between governments, civil society, the private sector and affected communities to international health financing.

Global Impact is a not-for-profit organization dedicated to helping the poorest people on earth. Global Impact represents more than 50 of the most respected U.S.-based international charities in workplace giving campaigns across the nation. Global Impact charities get results by providing the tools for people to help themselves.

Global Volunteer Network supports the work of local community organizations in developing countries through the placement of international volunteers.

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Heifer Project International combats hunger, alleviates poverty, and restores the environment by providing appropriate livestock, training, and related services to small-scale farmers worldwide. Heifer Project's key concept is that each recipient must pass on to others some of the offspring of the farm animals they receive.

How Rich Are You? Every year we gaze enviously at the lists of the richest people in world, wondering what it would be like to have that sort of cash. But where would you sit on one of those lists? Here’s your chance to find out on this CARE fundraising site.

Hunger in America 2001, the third study of domestic hunger released by America's Second Harvest, provides a user-friendly, searchable way to easily retrieve data about the issue of hunger in our country.

HungerBanquet is part of the Fast for a World Harvest, Oxfam's campaign to raise awareness and funds to fight world hunger.

Hunger Relief Organizations is an Internet portal that lists organizations involved in fighting hunger. It also includes articles and statistics on world hunger and poverty.

The Hunger Site enables visitors to click the "give free food" button and help feed the hungry. The staple food funded by The Hunger Site is paid for by site sponsors and is distributed to those in need by Mercy Corps and America's Second Harvest.

HungerWeb is for researchers, educators, policy influencers, operations personnel, other professionals and students using the Internet to help find solutions to hunger at the global, national, community and household level—or for anyone who's interested in learning more about the subject. It is a project of the Gerald J. and Dorothy R. Friedman School of Nutrition Science and Policy at Tufts Univeristy.

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The Institute for Peace and Justice offers resources, programs and workshops for parents/families, youth, schools/educators, and communities of faith that promote peacemaking, justice and alternatives to violence. Programs include the Parenting for Peace and Justice (PPJN) and Families Against Violence (FAVAN) networks.

Institute for the Study of Homelessness and Poverty delivers analysis, data and solutions to institutions and individuals to spark new collaborations and foster new initiatives, policies and programs to better understand and address homelessness and poverty.

InterAction—a coalition of more than 150 non-profit organizations working worldwide—is our nation's leading advocate for humanitarian assistance to the world's poor.

Interfaith Alliance promotes interfaith cooperation around shared religious values to strengthen the public’s commitment to the American values of civic participation, freedom of religion, diversity, and civility in public discourse and to encourage the active involvement of people of faith in the nation’s political life.

International Food Policy Research Institute identifies and analyzes policies for sustainably meeting the food needs of the developing world. Visit their website for the latest IFPRI news and to download information from among the hundreds of food policy research reports IFPRI produces.

International Rescue Committee provides humanitarian and emergency aid to refugees and other victims of oppression and violent conflict around the world.

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Jubilee USA Network is part of a global movement seeking to cancel the unpayable debts of the world's poorest countries.

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Kiva lets you connect with and loan money to unique small businesses in the developing world. By choosing a a business on, you can 'sponsor a business' and help the world's poor people make great strides towards economic independence. Throughout the course of the loan (usually 6-12 months), you can receive email journal updates from the businesses you've sponsored. As loans are repaid, you get your loan money back.

kNOw HUNGER is a 6-unit social studies curriculum geared toward high school youth. The curriculum gives students a way to understand and address hunger in their communities, their state and the nation. It facilitates knowledge about the extent and causes of hunger in the United States, its link to poverty and income disparities, and enables students to act on what they learn.


Living Waters for the World seeks to save communities from illness and disease by providing clean water. This project of the Presbyterian Church, U.S.A. has installed water purification units in Mexico, Honduras, Haiti and Belize; they hope to dramatically increase the scope of their project in the coming years.

Lutheran World Relief works in overseas development and relief on behalf of the Evangelical Lutheran Church in America and The Lutheran Church - Missouri Synod.

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MAZON ("food" in Hebrew) raises money principally from Jews nationwide who donate 3% of the cost of weddings, bar and bat mitzvahs and other joyous events. MAZON funds a variety of organizations including food banks and kosher meals-on-wheels programs for homebound elderly people, as well as state and national organizations that work for the kind of public policies that can bring about long-term solutions to hunger.

Meals on Wheels Association of America represents member groups that provide congregate and home-delivered meal services to people who are elderly, homebound, disabled, frail, or at risk. It also gives cash grants to local senior meal programs throughout the country to assist in providing meals and other nutrition services. 

Mennonite Central Committee is the relief and development arm of the North American Mennonite and Brethren in Christ churches. Founded in 1920, MCC has over 700 volunteers in around 50 developing countries involved in food relief, agriculture, health and education and social services.

Millenium Campaign highlights the progress countries have made in eradicating extreme poverty and provides regional profiles. It also serves as a platform for independent campaigns to inform a large audience about their work and encourage people to join them in making the millennium goals a reality. It is maintained by the United Nations.

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National Council of the Churches of Christ is a leader in the movement for Christian ecumenical cooperation. The NCC works for peace and justice in the United States, addressing issues ranging from poverty and racism, to the environment and family ministries

National Student Campaign Against Hunger and Homelessness is committed to ending hunger and homelessness in America by educating, engaging, and training students to directly meet individuals’ immediate needs while advocating for long-term systemic solutions.

NetAid inspires and empowers young people to fight global poverty with the long-term goal of establishing a strong U.S. constituency that supports international development. NetAid's innovative programs educate young people and provide opportunities for them to take concrete actions that make a difference in the lives of the world's poor.

NETWORK is a national Catholic social justice organization which lobbies, educates, and organizes on the federal level, promoting economic justice for people who are poor and marginalized. Founded as a contemporary response to the ministry of Jesus, NETWORK uses Catholic social teaching and the life experience of people who are poor as lenses for viewing social reality.

Nickelodeon has teamed up with the Millennium Campaign to launch the Nick 2015 Initiative, a multi-platform campaign aimed at raising awareness to end poverty and get kids involved in the realization of the Millennium Development Goals (MDGs).

Northern Arizona Food Bank's mission is to transport, store and distribute food and commodities to thousands of Arizona’s most impoverished people. It works in conjunction with existing social service agencies, churches, civic organizations and national hunger relief organizations.

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The ONE campaign is a new effort to rally Americans -- ONE by ONE -- to fight global AIDS and extreme poverty. ONE will be promoted with the help of a diverse coalition of faith-based and antipoverty groups, celebrity spokespeople such as U2 lead singer Bono as well as corporate partnerships and local ONE Campaign organizers. provides international perspectives on global issues gathered from its partners worldwide: nongovernmental organizations, development-oriented news services, foundations and research institutions (including Bread for the World Institute). The OneWorld U.S. edition seeks to provide balanced and accurate coverage, identify sources, and provide access to original documents, through links to partner websites.

Oxfam International is an international group of independent non-governmental organizations dedicated to fighting poverty and related injustice around the world. The organizations work together internationally to achieve greater impact by their collective efforts, and also maintain a Washington advocacy office which lobbies on a variety of issues.

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Partnership to Cut Hunger in Africa is an independent effort formed by leaders from US and African public and private sector institutions and international humanitarian organizations. The goal of the Partnership is to formulate a vision, strategy and action plan for renewed US efforts to help African partners cut hunger significantly.

Pennsylania Hunger Action Center is a non-profit organization dedicated to eliminating the causes of hunger in Pennsylvania through advocacy, education and food security programs. Supporters of this work include emergency food service providers, community action agencies, food merchants, religious organizations, labor unions, advocates and consumers.

Poverty topic page of the Development Gateway provides information about poverty reduction strategies applied in different countries and evaluations of the impact of poverty policies and programs. The page also offers latest news, upcoming events, project information, statistics, useful web links and other knowledge resources. allows users to “click” on its website to generate donations from corporate sponsors to microcredit charities around the world.

PovertyNet, run by the World Bank, describes itself as providing "resources and support for people working to understand and alleviate poverty." The site also provides information about Bank policies and programs.

Poverty USA is an excellent multimedia website developed by the Catholic Campaign for Human Development. Travel on "Tour Poverty USA" to see how those living near the poverty line struggle to meet their basic human needs; take the Poverty Quiz; and visit the Education Center for resources geared both towards children and adults.

Presbyterian Hunger Program recognizes that members of the Presbyterian Church (USA) must stand for justice in those arenas where the voices of the poor are not heard. It supports organizations and coalitions which advocate for public policies that provide food for poor and hungry people and empower their self-development.

Project Bread is dedicated to alleviating, preventing and ending hunger in Massachusetts. Their goals are to make emergency food accessible to people who would not otherwise have adequate food; to increase public awareness and understanding of hunger; to effect public policies to prevent hunger in our midst; and to empower people by offering positive avenues of action, including the annual Walk for Hunger.

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Resal is the food security network of the European Commission. Their site provides outlines of Resal programs, country reports, overviews of the international environment and links to a large array of food security websites on the internet.

RESULTS is a nonprofit, grassroots citizens' lobby working to create the political will to end hunger and the worst aspects of poverty.

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Seeds of Hope Publishers, formerly known as Seeds Magazine, has undergone a metamorphosis. They now offer worship resources for churches and other periodicals. Their publications follow the liturgical calendar and maintain an emphasis on hunger and economic justice issues.

Share Our Strength supports food assistance, treats malnutrition, and promotes economic independence among people in need to meet immediate demands for food as well as investing in long-term solutions to hunger and poverty. SOS organizes creative events and programs to mobilize chefs, restaurateurs, authors and artists as well as accountants, consultants and business executives to help raise awareness and funds.

Society of St. Andrew Gleaning America's Fields ~ Feeding America's Hungry is an ecumenical Christian ministry that feeds the hungry all year long by saving fresh, nutritious produce that would otherwise go to waste because of market reasons and giving it to the needy. The Society of St. Andrew is a Christian ministry, which adheres to Christian principles of good stewardship. Therefore, more than 96% of all funds raised by the Society of St. Andrew is spent on the direct delivery of food and services to the hungry.

Stop Child Poverty works at the grassroots level to raise awareness of child poverty worldwide, and to help everyday world citizens make a difference in the lives of children in need. Stop Child Poverty works to promote the United Nations Millennium Development Goals to halve extreme poverty by 2015.

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TakingITGlobal focuses on getting youth involved in the effort to implement the Millennium Development Goals. Play the MDG card game, send MDG e-cards, submit artwork and writing, discuss the MDGs in our discussion boards, or tell them about what you are contributing to end worldwide poverty. Plus, find useful resources to download like an action guide and a youth-written policy paper.

30 Hour Famine is a youth group event that educates young people about the hunger crisis in this world and encourages them to do something about it. During their Famine they go without food for 30 hours to get a taste of hunger. Prior to fasting they collect pledges from friends and family which World Vision uses to feed and care for children and their families in projects worldwide.

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United Methodist Committee on Relief presents practical solutions to the problems of hunger, human rights and world peace by aiding refugees, providing relief in disaster areas, and confronting the challenge of world hunger and poverty.

UN Millennium Project is an independent advisory body commissioned by the UN Secretary-General to advise the UN on strategies for achieving the Millennium Development Goals, the set of internationally agreed upon targets for reducing poverty, hunger, disease, illiteracy, environmental degradation and discrimination against women by 2015.

U.S. Catholic Conference, Social Development & World Peace Department seeks to share the social teaching of the Church; apply Catholic social teaching to major contemporary domestic and international issues which have significant moral and human dimensions; and advocate effectively for the poor and vulnerable and for genuine justice and peace in the public policy arena.

  • Read the pastoral reflection of the U.S. Catholic Bishops entitled, A Place at the Table: A Catholic Recommitment to Overcome Poverty and to Respect the Dignity of All God's Children by clicking here.

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Virtual Library of International Development Resources is a collection of links to international development resources on the Internet.

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World Food Day, is a worldwide event designed to increase awareness, understanding and informed, year-around action to alleviate hunger. The event was established by the Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations in 1979. It is held annually on October 16.

World Food Program is Rome-based organization of the United Nations. Since it was set-up in 1963, it has invested $27.8 billion and more than 43 million metric tons of food to combat hunger, promote economic and social development and provide relief assistance in emergencies throughout the world. Their website's interactive presentations on hunger hotspots and the scope of global hunger are excellent.

World Hunger Year seeks to attack the root causes of hunger and poverty by promoting effective and innovative community-based solutions which create self-reliance, economic justice, and food security.

World Relief is the international assistance arm of the National Association of Evangelicals, USA, providing emergency relief, refugee care, and long-term help to combat poverty.

World Vision is an international Christian humanitarian organization serving the world's poor and displaced by providing programs that help save lives, protect children, bring hope, and restore dignity. provides information about the specific issues addressed by the advocacy arm of World Vision US. Visit this site to gain a greater understanding of these issues and find out what you can do to pursue just public policies that can change the circumstances of poor and oppressed people around the globe.

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