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Hurricane Data Analysis Tool UPDATE!!! Hurricane Data Analysis Tool
The Hurricane Analysis Tool (formerly TRMM-QuikScat Analysis Tool) allows users to overlay various data products relevant in the study of hurricanes in either an area plot or a time plot using an interactive tool. The data products being offered include TRMM's product 3B42, TMI's sea surface temperature, NCEP Reanalysis sea level pressure and QuikScat's wind. This tool is beneficial for users to obtain a visualization comparison of two products during a hurricane event.
Hurricane Archive Gallery get's a face lift!
The Hurricane Archive Gallery get's a face lift and is now dynamic! Check out the new gallery interface that allows you to select the year and hurricanes you want to view. Data access has also been added to the gallery along with QuikScat Wind and new CloudSat images! Take a look!
Hurricane Archive Dynamic Gallery


These are the latest images derived from the 3-hour near-real-time rainfall total (TMPA or 3B42RT) of the Atlantic and Gulf regions. The images created using the Giovanni analysis tool with the latest available data granules. These are generated and updated on a daily basis to observe current rainfall total activity. You can view more current images and animations of these and other parameters, such as AIRS temperature and Surface Pressure, by visiting the Image Gallery. A Past Hurricane Archive is also available to view animations of data set parameters of hurricanes that developed over the Atlantic region.

3-Hour rainfall total for Atlantic region 3-hourly near-real-time rainfall total of the Atlantic region derived from the TRMM Project Multi-Satellite
Precipitation Analysis (TMPA or 3B42RT. This image was created using the interactive Giovanni application.
Current precipitation in the Gulf region 3-hourly near-real-time rainfall total of the Gulf region derived from the TRMM Project Multi-Satellite
Precipitation Analysis (TMPA or 3B42RT). Go to Giovanni to view an interactive version.

09.09.08 - Ike Moves Over Cuba, Heads to the Gulf
As of 2:00 pm EST September 9th, Hurricane Ike has a forward speed to 12 mph heading in the West/Northwest direction with a wind speed of 75 mph and is located at approximately 22.7N, 83.4W with a central pressure of 970 mb. Hurricane Ike headed to Cuba as a category 3 storm initially and has w...

Hurricane Ike MODIS Terra 09-08-2008 Hurricane Ike Merged IR animation on 09-07-2008 Hurricane Ike TRMM 3B42RT data from 09-06 to 09-09 Hurricane Ike QuikSCAT image 09-09-2008

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09.03.08 - Precipitation Animation of Hurricane Gustav and The Tropical Atlantic Region
Animations were created using the TRMM 3B42RT data of the Accumulated Rainfall parameter using the GES DISC TRMM Online Visualization and Analysis System (TOVAS)(, which contains TRMM rainfall products, near-real-time 3-hourly, Multi-Satellite Precip...

Hurricane Gustav TRMM 3B42RT Accumulated Rainfall Animation Active Atlantic Tropical Region 3B42RT Accumulated Rainfall animation
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09.02.08 - High Point Of The Season Proves To Be Active!
As Gustav becomes a tropical depression all eyes turn now to an extremely busy Atlantic region. As high time has come upon us for the hurricane season, storms develop across the Atlantic region just north of the ITCZ (Intertropical Convergence Zone). As of 11:00 am EST we have 3 named storms st...

TS Hanna MODIS Terra 250m 09-01-2008 Hurricane Gustav MODIS Terra 250m 09-01-2008 Hurricane Gustav Merged IR data 08-31-2008
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09.02.08 - MergedIR Animation Shows the Atlantic Storms Movement
An animation created using the Merged IR data which is a Globally-merged (60N-60S) pixel-resolution IR brightness temperature data (equivalent blackbody temps), merged from all available geostationary satellites (GOES-8/10, METEOSAT-7/5 & GMS). The data is available by ftp from the GES DISC (ht...

Tropical Storms animation of Merged IR data 08-31-2008 Tropical Storms in the Atlantic MergedIR data on 23 Z 08-31-2008 MODIS Terra 250m Tropical Storms across the Atlantic
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09.01.08 - Gustav Makes Landfall and a New Storm Forms!
Hurricane Gustav makes Landfall this morning as a category 2 storm in Cocodrie, Louisiana. At around 11:00 am EST, Hurricane Gustav is continuely moving Northwest at 15 mph with a wind speed of 110 mph.The storm is located around 29.2 N, 90.8 W, with a pressure of 957 mb.

The storm su...

Tropical Storms MODIS Terra 08-31-2008 Hurricane Gustav MODIS Terra 08-31-2008 Hurricane Gustav TRMM 3B42RT Accumulated Rainfall 09-01-2008
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  • Last updated: July 08, 2008 05:58:15 UTC