This site was last edited on 1/14/2009
Oregon Emergency Management Association Cares!

Meeting Information

Upcoming Membership Meeting Dates

Membership Meeting:
February 18, 2009
8:30 am - 12:00 pm
Oregon State Capitol
900 Court St. NE
Salem, OR
Questions - Mary Davis

What's Happening

Executive Board
posted 7/01/07

Latest General Minutes
Meeting Date: 11/05/08

Latest Eboard Minutes
Meeting Date: 12/01/08

 "Committed to Minimizing the Impacts of Disasters
 on Communities Throughout Oregon" 

Welcome to the Oregon Emergency Management Association Web site. Our goal is to provide you with useful information about our organization that we hope will make it easier for you to do business with us.

Feel free to browse around this site. If you have comments, questions, or simply need more information and want to contact us, click on the contact button on any page within this site.

Thanks for visiting and we look forward to serving you.

 OEMA Presidents Letter 

Dear OEMA Members:

As our new Association's President I want to take this opportunity to thank you and our Executive Board for this chance to serve you during the next year. I want to recognize the great job and service our past Presidents and Executive Board has made in furthering our organizations goals and objectives. I would like to share my vision for the Association during my tenure. I want to personally thank our Past President Mike Mumaw and his Executive Board for their successes in building a stronger Association. My goal and vision is to continue in their good work and I will be leaning on them for guidance and support during my tenure. The Executive Board has agreed that the following goals are a priority and my goal is to continue to move these forward.

Download the full OEMA Presidents Letter to read more.

 OEMA Brochure 

To learn more about OEMA's mission, purpose, values and the many benefits of Membership or to share with others who may be interested in joining click on the link to view or download a copy of our brochure.

Click here to download the brochure.

To read about the Principles of Emergency Management and OEMA's dues Structure, download a copy of the brochure insert

Click here to download the insert

 OEMA Conference 

The OEMA Board would like to thank everyone who helped make our 2008 Partners in Preparing Oregon Conference at the Sunriver Resort, a great success; including all the attendees, speakers and exhibitors.

Click here for more details.

Conference Pictures.

Session slides and handouts will be posted in the Members Only Area as we receive them


2009 Training and Annual Meeting - In the transition from a Spring to Fall Conference we will be conducting a one or two-day training session in May of 2009. Please check back for specific days and topics.

2009 Joint Conference with Washington State Emergency Management Association
Sept 14 - 17, 2009 at the Salishan Spa and Golf Resort.

 IAEM '07 Conference Article

OEMA sponsors two board members each year to attend the IAEM conference and bring back information about what was presented. This year it was Past President Rose Gentry and Treasurer Patty Hopkins. In addition, President Mike Mumaw and Secretary Mary Davis attended. Oregon had a strong showing this year with the four Board members attending, plus; Perry Hopkins, Doug Hormann, Andre Leduc, John McIlvain, Wayne Stinson, Ken Murphy, Keith Berkery, Tracy Cleys, Sue Patterson and Pascal Schuback.

Click here to read the entire article.

 Join Today or Renew Your Membership

Joining is quick and easy. Please click here to join ONLINE. For more information about joining OEMA, please visit our Join Now page.

For current members click here to renew.