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Explore sounds and video of whales, walruses, and more from the Macaulay Library.
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The Year in Review (pdf)
Find out more about this year's new initiatives and success stories.

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News at the Lab
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Clements Checklist
Clements Checklist now online
Download an Excel file of The Clements Checklist of Birds of the World. 
Ivory-bill Search Season Begins
Search team explores new sites in Florida. 
chp_Lost Birds
Lost Birds, Remembered
Watch video about artist Todd McGrain's sculptures, now on display at the Lab. 
chp_GBBC Cardinal
Prize-Winning Bird Photos
View winning imagery from more than 4,000 photos taken during the Great Backyard Bird Count. 
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Online Bird Guide--Sneak Preview!
Take a behind-the-scenes look at website changes in progress and share your feedback. 
All About Birds
Information about more than 500 species, plus maps, sounds, and images--free! 
Report your sightings to eBird
Keep track of your bird sightings and contribute to science--from anywhere, any time! 
The Birds of North America Online
18,000 pages of information on North America's breeding birds, now online! 

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Birds In The Headlines

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