IFOAM and the Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations (FAO)
"Several of the management practices evolved by the organic farming movement have a direct relevance to the battle to achieve food security. Examples include diversification and crop rotation, as well as the use of natural means to combat pests."

-Quote from Jacque Diouf, Director General of the FAO in IFOAM's 25th anniversary issue of its magazine Ecology & Farming.

IFOAM has been an FAO-accredited international organization since 1997.

IFOAM works with the FAO on a number of levels:
  • IFOAM's liaison office to the FAO is in constant communication with FAO staff, facilitating dialogue and support for organic agriculture.
  • IFOAM jointly organized the First World Conference on Organic Seed with the FAO and the International Seed Federation, held at the headquarters of the FAO in July 2004.
  • IFOAM participates as an observer at significant meetings of the FAOs' committees, councils and treaty bodies to gain support for organic agriculture.
  • IFOAM takes part in the FAO's program on Sustainable Agriculture and Rural Development (SARD), and has done so since its establishment in Rio in 1992.
  • IFOAM collaborates with the FAO's Priority Area for Interdisciplinary Action on Organic Agriculture to increase understanding of and support for organic agriculture within the FAO.
The FAO is increasingly recognizing the contribution of organic agriculture for achieving truly sustainable development

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Photo of Gunnar Rundgren giving a keynote speech at the FAO
The IFOAM Liaison Office to the FAO
Report from the First World Conference on Organic Seed, Hosted by the FAO at Its Headquarters in Rome
Organic Agriculture at the FAO
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