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Association des Adhérents Français d’IFOAM (AsAFI) - IFOAM French Member Group
The Association
•    is a platform for exchange concerning organic production and processing between national and international levels
•    is the platform for exchange between the concerted tasks and positions of the French IFOAM Affiliates and the tasks and positions of IFOAM and its constituted groups
•    ensures a representation of French Affiliates inside IFOAM and its constituted groups as well as in international meetings of the organic movement
•    carries on, in the area of organic production and processing, assorted national activities
•    defends its interests or of one or several of its members, including involvement in legal procedures

All French IFOAM Member Organizations may become a voting Member of AsAFI and all French IFOAM Associates may become non-voting Associates. 

Thus far, 17 French organizations have joined the Association : Biocoop - CGAB - AbioDoc - Ecocert - FNAB - Formabio - FNIVAB - FRABB - GRAB Avignon - Green Trade - Guayapi Tropical - ITAB - Inter Bio Bretagne - MCBD - Nature et Progrès - Pronatura - Synabio.

AsAFI also works within the IFOAM EU Regional Group through an efficient internal email list of French Affiliates and experts, deciding positions and participating in European meetings through its delegates.
Delegate to the IFOAM EU Regional Group: Anton Pinschof

Executive Board

President: Dominique Marion
Vice President: François Le Lagadec
Secretary: Vianney Le Pichon
Treasurer: Nathalie Arrojo

Other Board Members: Sophie Valleix, Pierre Abel Simonneau, Anton Pinschof, Jordy von den Akker, Cécile Frissur, Richard Doughty, Dominique Clairfond, Antoine Faure.

Address inquiries about AsAFI to: asafi@ifoam.org

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AsAFI Board at Its Founding Meeting in Paris
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