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The IFOAM Liaison Office to the Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations (FAO)
In the last few years there has been an increasing interest in organic agriculture by the FAO and other UN agencies, particularly in relation to farmer incomes, poverty alleviation, food security and biodiversity. There is still a long way from convincing the varied FAO departments and related agencies to recognize organic agriculture as an affordable solution to several of the problems faced by world agriculture. The Liaison Office supports FAO staff members that show interest in Organic Agriculture, helping them to set up events and provide tools to facilitate organic agricultural development.

Similarly, the benefits from organic agricultural production have not yet been fully recognised by a majority of national governments, especially developing and CEE countries, which often view biotechnology and high-input agriculture as the solution to food security problems.

Among NGOs working on biodiversity related issues, there is recognition that OA should play a role. However, NGOs working on food security issues and farmer associations could take on a more central role in promoting organic agriculture.

General purposes

Financed by the I-GO program, the office aims to:
  • Promote the acceptance of organic agriculture as an ecologically and economically sound and sustainable system of farming linking biodiversity, food security and sustainable development
  • Promote the IFOAM Basic Standards and IFOAM policies as an effective tool for the development of Organic Agriculture all over the world
The Liaison office activities focus on the following objectives:
  1. Intensifying and strengthening the cooperation of IFOAM in FAO and other UN agencies and International NGOs
  2. Influencing government representatives predominately of developing and CEE Countries to FAO
  3. Networking with national and international NGOs interested in biodiversity, food security, social responsibility and other key issues during their participation at FAO events
  4. Supporting FAO in the generation of useful information and tools for Organic agriculture development
  5. Enhancing the effectiveness of the Liaison office lobbying activities
  1. Co-organization of IFOAM – FAO events (See First World Conference on Organic Seed below)
  2. Participation at FAO events
  3. Participation at specific committees and working groups
  4. Periodic meetings with FAO/IFAD staff and International NGOs in Rome

For more information contact:
Cristina Grandi, Coordinator
IFOAM FAO Liaison Office
Via Piave, 14
00187 Rome - Italy
Tel. +39 06 45437485              
Fax. +39 06 45437469
Email: c.grandi@ifoam.org
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Photo of Gunnar Rundgren giving a keynote speech at the FAO
IFOAM's Official Status with the FAO
The FAO Sustainable Agriculture and Rural Development (SARD) Website
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