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Carbon Sequestration
Non-CO2 Project Descriptions

Strategies to Optimize Microbially-Mediated Mitigation of Greenhouse Gas Emissions from Landfill Cover Soils
Project # NT42431

Primary Performing Organization
University of Michigan

As methane and nitrous oxide are both potent greenhouse gases with global warming potentials approximately 19 - 280 times that of carbon dioxide, it is imperative that holistic strategies be developed that uncouple methane consumption and nitrous oxide production.

This project proposes to determine what suite of geochemical parameters should be provided to minimize the net emission of methane and nitrous oxide in situ by determining those parameters important for selection, survival, and stimulation of the appropriate microbial community capable of maximizing biogenic methane consumption while minimizing biogenic nitrous oxide production.  Emphasis will be placed on determining how to best simulate microbial activity 'in situ' to achieve minimal greenhouse gas emissions, particularly in landfill cover soils.

Specific project objectives include:

  • Identifying environmental parameters that enhance microbially-mediated methane oxidation while also minimizing biogenic nitrous oxide production.
  • Developing treatment strategies to apply to municipal-landfill cover soils in field plots.

Results from this project could advance the state of the art for reducing greenhouse gas emissions for the ever growing need to control landfill gas emissions in the United States.

Project Manager: Pierina Noceti,

Related Papers and Publications:

  • Coming Soon!