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Carbon Sequestration
MVA Project Descriptions

Methodology for Conducting Probabilistic Risk Assessment of CO2 Storage in Coal Beds (INEEL)
Project # 42C1-03

Primary Performing Organization
Idaho National Laboratory (INL)

This project is designed to provide a methodology by which to conduct a meaningful probability-based risk assessment of carbon dioxide (CO2) injection and storage in coal beds through actual field demonstrations of the technology, thereby allowing for real-time feedback and validation.

Emphasis will be placed on developing the necessary knowledge, tools, and strategies for risk evaluation, risk mitigation, and monitoring and verification as well as studying the effect of coalbed heterogeneity on the actual CO2 sequestration capability. Specific project objectives include:

  • Developing a mathematical model for probabilistic risk assessment.
  • Performing a geomechanical study to evaluate geomechanical factors that need to be taken into account in assessing the risk of CO2 leakage in CO2 sequestration in coal beds.
  • Conducting a predictive quantitative modeling study consisting of a simulation history match and forecast in an actual field case, a sensitivity study of key coal reservoir properties, and a CO2 see page assessment from outcrops.

Project Manager:  Dawn Deel,

Related Papers and Publications:

  • Coming Soon!