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Carbon Sequestration
Capture Project Descriptions

Utah Center for Ultra Clean Coal Utilization
Project # NT 42808

Primary Performing Organization
University of Utah

This project will revolve around the work of the Utah Clean Coal Center (the Center) in providing scientific and technical information to allow for the clean and efficient use of coal in a carbon constrained world. The Center will focus on eight program areas: simulation, mercury emissions control, oxy-fuel combustion, gasification, sequestration, material investigations, chemical looping combustion, and student research experiences. The Center will partner with NETL researchers to integrate projects with common goals, using simulation as the vehicle for integration and innovation.

Benefiting from a long history of basic and applied research in coal science and combustion processes, the Center proposes to support DOE’s carbon sequestration goals by pursuing objectives that include the following:

  • exploring effects of variations in the partial pressure of oxygen and carbon dioxide (CO2) on coal jet ignition in retrofit oxy-coal combustion applications and providing fundamental rate parameters and sub-scale model validation for circulating fluidized beds;
  • providing data that will address two problems encountered in entrained-flow gasifiers, those of the shorter-than-desired lifetimes of the refractory linings and the lower efficiencies of carbon conversion;
  • studying the impact of containment gases on the sequestration chemistry and vertical mixing of CO2 and brine;
  • providing a mechanistic understanding of chemical reaction rates for oxygen carriers of interest to DOE;
  • supporting oxy-fuel combustion and gasification research via the development of materials expertise for fuel-conversion systems with an emphasis on (ultra)super critical steam generation systems; and
  • offering select University of Utah graduate and undergraduate research opportunities at NETL.

Project Manager: David Lang,

Related Papers and Publications:

  • Coming Soon!