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Carbon Sequestration
Deployment Phase Tests – Project Description

Southwest Regional Partnership on Carbon Sequestration – Deployment Phase

Primary Performing Organization
New Mexico Institute of Mining and Technology

The Southwest Regional Partnership on Carbon Sequestration (SWP) is one of seven Regional Carbon Sequestration Partnerships created by DOE in 2003 as part of a national plan to mitigate greenhouse gas emissions. 

The deployment phase will be the third of a three phase program.  Proceedings in the Deployment Phase (2008-2017) will be an extension of the characterization and validation phases and will demonstrate that carbon dioxide (CO2) capture, storage and transportation can be achieved safely, permanently and economically at a large scale in a region composed of Arizona, Colorado, Kansas, New Mexico, Oklahoma, Texas, Utah, and Wyoming. 

The map below shows the location of SWP’s Deployment Phase test.


SWP will accomplish a major sequestration deployment in the Farnham Dome in central Utah.  The area provides an excellent deployment test opportunity for analysis of high injection rates and high resolution monitoring of CO2 in multiple rock layer horizons.  The Farnham Dome site is projected to store at least 138 million metric tons of CO2 in formations that are Jurassic and older.  The SWP’s Characterization and Validation Phase analyses provided an initial estimate of capacity of the deep Jurassic and older saline formations in the SWP region in excess of 18 billion metric tons.  During the Deployment Phase, SWP will continue to refine capacity estimates and evaluate other critical factors relevant to regional storage goals.

Project Manager:  Bill O’Dowd,

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