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Carbon Sequestration
Regional Carbon Sequestration Partnerships Project Descriptions

Midwest Regional Carbon Sequestration Partnership (MRCSP) —
Validation Phase

Project # 42589

Primary Performing Organization:
Battelle Memorial Institute

The Midwest Regional Carbon Sequestration Partnership (MRCSP) is one of the seven Regional Partnerships created in 2003 by DOE, as part of a national effort to mitigate greenhouse gas emissions. After years of fact finding across the United States, the Partnerships are now engaged in individual carbon sequestration validation projects.  Each partnership project is distinct in its geology, land use, and population base.  The MRCSP region consists of eight contiguous states:  Indiana, Kentucky, Maryland, Michigan, Ohio, Pennsylvania, West Virginia, and New York.  The MRCSP validation project is a four-year effort devoted to validating promising carbon dioxide (CO2) sequestration opportunities within the MRCSP region.  See Map.

Midwest Regional Carbon Sequestration Partnership Validation Phase Field Tests

MRCSP will evaluate the feasibility of sequestering CO2 in both geological formations and terrestrial ecosystems in the eight-state region.  This Validation Phase project will take the first steps in demonstrating cost-effective ways to reduce CO2 emissions from high-emission sources (power plants, cement plants, and refineries).

MRCSP’s research estimated over 121.4 billion metric tons of potential CO2 storage capacity in the region’s deep geologic formations, which could accommodate hundreds of years worth of CO2 emissions; 2.5 billion metric tons of potential capacity in existing depleted oil and natural gas fields, which could lead to hundreds of millions of barrels of additional oil production; 0.9 billion metric tons of potential unmineable coal bed storage; and 118 billion metric tons of storage potential in saline formations.

The MRCSP objectives are to:

  • Continue to identify greenhouse gas sources and assess the viability and cost of capturing and sequestering these emissions.
  • Continue to engage the public and elected officials at all levels in dialog on the issues associated with sequestration systems.
  • Conduct three small-scale CO2 injection field tests in the region’s deep geologic formations to demonstrate the safety and effectiveness of geologic sequestration systems
  • Conduct three small-scale terrestrial carbon sequestration field tests to demonstrate enhanced carbon uptake and validate measurement techniques and to quantify terrestrial carbon storage.

The results from pursuing these objectives will provide an essential knowledge base for carbon sequestration strategies to advance economic growth and environmental protection by all the Partnerships.

Project Manager: Lynn A. Brickett,

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