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Carbon Sequestration
Regional Partnerships Project Descriptions

Midwest Regional Carbon Sequestration Partnership – Characterization Phase
Project # 41981

Primary Performing Organization
Battelle Memorial Institute

The Midwest Regional Carbon Sequestration Partnership (MRCSP) is one of seven Regional Carbon Sequestration Partnerships created by DOE in 2003 as part of a national plan to mitigate greenhouse gas emissions.  The Characterization Phase was the first of a three phase program.  The partnerships working together during the first phase developed a technology framework for the subsequent validation and deployment phases.  The goal of this individual project is to identify greenhouse gas sources, and the cost of capturing and sequestering these emissions in deep geological formations and terrestrial sites in a region composed of Indiana, Ohio, Kentucky, West Virginia, Pennsylvania, Michigan, and Maryland. We are currently in the third year of the validation phase.  For the validation phase the project is conducting three geological sequestration projects and three terrestrial sequestration projects.


In addition to informing community leaders and obtaining comments from the public, the principal objectives of this project are as follows:

  • To determine whether there is a cost effective way to reduce high carbon dioxide emissions in its region;
  • To examine existing regulatory and other requirements that might slow the eventual deployment of the relevant technology; and
  • To translate accumulated knowledge into practical implementation approaches.

Project Manager: Lynn Brickett,

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