Pollination Management Resources

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(Why Manage Pollination?

- Do you recognize symptoms of pollination problems?)

Beekeepers who do contract pollination:
a growing worldwide list
Growers Needing Bees

Crop by Crop
Pollination Information and Links


NEW   in March, 2000       New Study: Value of Honeybees in Pollination: 14 Billion (USA)  
Value of honeybees in the UK

Economics of Pollination
Is Renting Honeybee Colonies Worth The Money?

For Wisconsin cranberries, a resounding YES!

    More Resources for Gardeners
Pollination for the Home Gardener
by Howard Veatch
Other Garden Help

           Alternative Pollinators
    Honeybees have been used for managed pollination for many years. Now other bee species are being managed as well. And we also need to preserve and enhance a variety of wild pollinators to accomplish all the pollination needed for our food supply, and the food for birds and wildlfe.

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Garden for the Wild Bees

Beekeeper Resources
Links Galore!
There's a LOT of new beekeepers who got bees for
Garden Pollination. Here's how to get started yourself.

"Pollination Bible"
  site at Bee Culture
Mirror site at GEARS
(thanks to Bee Culture Magazineand the Tucson Bee Lab). It's outdated (1976) and needs to be updated, but it's still chock full of information.

What's Buzzin' in my Garden?
ID the bees, wasps and others creatures that confuse gardeners.

Bees, wasps, hornets, yellow jackets, and bee mimics
Hand Pollination - if the Bees are Missing

The University of Guelph is strong in pollination research.  Peter Kevan's page has a good bibliography, and links

Pollination Botany:
How plants achieve pollination
Pollen tube growth

Where Have All the Bees Gone? Penn State experts'
thoughts on the subject.
Vanishing Pollinators: National Zoo

Pollination in Cyberspace: APIS,
an excellent bee/pollination newsletter from Tom Sanford, Florida Extension Apiculturist, was one of the first to be published on the internet. You can also find his excellent articles on various Florida crops that need pollination management.

A new kind of pollination service
Pollinisation Du Kiwi by GRAPP

A Comprehensive Pollination Manual
for Crops in Western Australia
Economic Value of Honeybees in Australia

Two Good   US
Extension Pollination Guides:
South               North

Basic Definitions
and Some Nurseries that Know the Difference!

Pollination in Mexico
With "Killer Bees"

"Self Pollinating?"
A Common Nursery Fraud
Maybe we'll list nurseries here too!

Regional Pollination Notes

One of the most important environmental issues of today
Forgotten Pollinators
A campaign to save our pollinators

The Carl Hayden Bee Lab
An Award-Winning Web Page

Evaluating Colonies For Pollination -Oregon
Quick Check (photos)
Rating at Cherryfield Foods, Maine
Massachussets Pollination Standards

Open Ends:
(Any Grad Students Looking for a Project?)
"Saturation Pollination"

Fire Ants and Bees
Culturing Squash Bees

More Coming...

(Fondly known by Hollywood as "Killer Bees")
Impact on Pollination?


Books, Articles for Everyone

Agricultural Education
We Need Young Beekeepers!

Richard A. Grazzini's
Manual on Seed Saving
Genetics, Controlled Pollination,
Hand Pollination, etc.

Polinization Dirigida
Managed Pollination in Argentina
(in Spanish)

A Student's Perspective
(Senior Thesis)

Cinderella Pumpkin Photo Series Male/Female Blossom/Pollinator/Growth

Pollinators on the
Endangered Species List

Landscaping for Pollinators

A Spring Report on Modern Pollination

Daily Pollen Counts
for Allergy Sufferers (USA)

Daily Pollen Counts in Lincoln Nebraska
The Pollen Home Page - NC
Set up an airborne pollen trap for study

More Pollination Biology:
Flower/Pollinator interactions (great photography!)  Another Paper

Bee Conservation in the Southeast
Dr. Keith Delaplane

Pollinator Quiz
Match the flower with its likely pollinator!

The Cycad
And Its Pollinator

Giant Watermelons
with Hand Pollination

Feral Honeybees
Are they recovering?

The role of static electricity
in pollination is little known.

Wildflower Pollination
Internet Resources

Pollinator Paradise
Karen Strickler's Page: solitary bees, wildflowers

The Role of Odor in Pollination
by Phyllis M. Pineda

A California Pollinator: Bradshaw Apiaries
With Gorgeous Pictures

How it's done today

Introducing Non-Native Bees? -A hot topic!
Proposal to Import Bumblebees to Australia

The Study of Pollens
Fossils, Forensics....
Want to Get a Pollen Identified?
Or Try It Yourself?    -Aus    US
Lots More Palynology Links
Entomopalynology - study of pollen on or in insects

Here's the Basics...
A unique (and highly recommended) work:
Joe Traynor, a pollination consultant of Bakersfield, CA, has produced an extremely practical pollination manual: The Almond Pollination Handbook. The practices enumerated here are adaptable to many other crops as well. The book is surprisingly reasonable in cost: $7.00 postpaid, from Kovak Books, PO Box 1422, Bakersfield, CA  93302

Not of this world?
Oh, yes, it's a grain of zuchinni pollen!
(magnified, of course)
More Pollen Images (USDA)
How long will tomato pollen live?

Flowers that Stink!
Not all flowers smell sweet

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