Gallery of Flowers, Flower Visitors
And Other Interesting Stuff
Images in this Gallery are Copyright 2000, David L. Green
They are presented here for personal information and enjoyment: unauthorized reproduction is theft.
Some images are watermarked for identification. To Use Photos from this web site:
For additional movie and sound files

  High Mileage: Elderly honeybee on goldernrod
  Honeybee lapping a spill of honey
  Honeybee on dandelion
  Honeybee on milkweed
  Pollen covered honeybee on Viburnum
  Worker closeups:    Face, showing mouthparts     Pollen comb      Pollen basket (empty)     Wing detail
  Swarm in the air
  The Swarm that Forgot to Find a Home
  Starving bees - A frame of bees decimated by starvation in early spring
  NEW!  Insect Wars!   Yellow jackets relentlessly attack a beehive in this MOV format movie      10-14-01
  NEW!  Swarm marches into the entrance of a beehive, MOV format movie    04-19-03
Swarm arrives and enters a hollow stump, MOV format movie     04-19-03

  Bumblebee on spearmint
  Bumblebee on knapweed
  Bumblebee on azalea
  Bombus fraternus on kudzu
  Ambushed Bombus pennsylvanicus on horsemint
  Bombus bimaculatus queen on domestic plum    The perfection of youth!
  Who Sez Bumblebees Can't Fly?
  Dewy, sleeping Bombus fraternus male on flowers at dawn.
  Already sleeping fraternus on begger tick at dusk.

Carpenter Bees
Xylocopa virginica on Ilex
Xylocopa virginica on privet (coated with pollen)
Xylcopa virginica on horsemint
Xylocopa micans on kudzu

Other Solitary Bees
Megachilid on Blue Mistflower
Solitary Bee on Bradford Pear
Mason Bees nesting in tongue and groove boards
Digger (or mining) Bees on Photina
Solitary bee collecting from azalea anthers
Two Lovely Halictid Bees
A Digger Bee on Sunflower

Bee Mimics
  Syrphid fly on chicory
  Syrphid fly on titi
  Syrphid fly on vitex
  Syrphid fly on mustard
  Tachinid coming to honey spill
  Bombylid fly on unknown flower
  Hoverfly hovering by spearmint
  Dronefly on begger tick

Photographic Plant/Pollinator Database  Plant by plant pollinator and other insect associations.

Wasps and other Hymenopterans
  Polistes wasp on sweet clover
  Polistes wasp starting nest
  Polistes wasp on climbing hempweed
  Red-tailed wasp on Asclepias
  Paper wasp nest under a tree stump
  Mud dauber nest
Organ Pipe Wasps, AKA Mud Daubers, AKA Blue Devils photos of wasps, nests, brood and prey.
  A Huge Hornet's Nest next to my beehives
  Movie File:   polistes wasp queen starting nest (offsite; use back button to return)
  Braconid wasp cocoons on a hornworm (sphinx moth) larva

  Green Eyes: an unidentified scoliid on Hempweed

Beneficial Insects
  Ladybug eating aphids
  Wheelbug on peas
  Assassin bug on coxcomb
  Assassin bug sipping goldenrod nectar
  Mantis on Sweet Clover
  Mating Soldier Beetles on goldenrod
  Blue Bottle Fly on aster
  Asian Ladybugs: Home Invaders

Pest Insect Images  Index

Leps (Butterflies, Moths and Skippers)    
  Common Buckeye,  Junonia coenia
  Corn earworm moth closeup on begger tick
  Yellow Wollybear Caterpillar on Bicolor Lespedeza 
  The Last Viceroy of Summer   Sad  

Theme Pictorials
  What's Buzzin' in My Garden?
  Hand Pollination in Pictures
  Goldenrod Visitors in SC
  Estigmene acrea  Salt Marsh Moth, Life cycle in photos
Agraulis vanillae, Gulf Fritillary butterly, Life cycle in photos, host plant Passiflora incarnata, on kids page
  Aster Visitors in SC     More Aster, and other fall flowers
  February Flower Visitors in SC
  April Flower Visitors in SC
  It's Dangerous to Be a Pollinator
  Bee Butts - Some of the color variations in honeybees
  Old Bee/Young Bee:  How can I tell the difference?
  Queen? Worker? Drone?  Identifying the three classes of honeybees.
  Hiving an Easy Swarm
  Transferring Wild Bees into a Hive
  Another feral (wild) hive transfer, with visual examination for parasites
  Cheap and Simple Yellow Jacket trap
  SC State Fair Pollination Exhibit:  Blue ribbon winner!
  Providing Homes for Mason Bees
  Solitary bees collecting azalea pollen
  Good Pollination and Poor Pollination Images of Blackberry Fruit
  Camouflage   katydid in the foliage

   Can You Identify These?
   Drone fly or other syrphid on knapweed?
    Beetle on queen anne's lace
    Unidentified solitary bees
    Not yet identified solitary bee on goldenrod
    Not yet identified halictid bee on goldenrod
   Love Bug in South Carolina?

Offsite links to other insect/bee photo galleries:
  Insect Pollinators: Flowers' Best Friends  Beatriz Moisset's photos, (en espanol tambien)
  Drone Carpenter bees in mid air  (although I think they are just curious, not "aggressive")
  Aculeate Hymenoptera  (in German)  photos and info
  Cirrus Digital Imaging   Common North American Arthropods
  John Snyder's links to moth images on the web  (with aids to identification)
  Insect Photo Gallery  at Cedar Creek, MN
  Heinz Schneider's flower visitor images and database Switzerland, U of Basel   (Many of these photos are awesome!)
  Troy Bartlett's insects  (cicada killer, digger wasps, cow killers, etc)
  Nelson Bohart's Bee pics  (nice squash bee shot...)
  Osmia rufa at Jan Tempelman's page
  My Butterfly Garden   Ann is a backyard naturalist/photographer in Columbia, SC  -nice pics
  Zachary's Bee Photos   some beautiful shots of bees on flowers by Michigan Professor Zachary Huang
  Solitary Bee drawings at Gordon's Earthlife Page
  Steve Buchmann's Bee Photos
  Steve Hoffmann's Nature and Scenic Photography, Insect Section
  The continuing saga of Grenade Launcher the tomato hornworm (not a beneficial, but a fascinating photo story)
  Randy Emmitt's North Carolina Butterfly Page
  America's Showiest Moths
  Bill's Lepidoptera Photos VA   Moths and butterflies of southeastern USA, some from Kenya, Central America  
  C. M. Younger's Nature Photos from an urban PA park  Some beautiful flower and insect photos including some rare shots
  Poul Beckmann's beetle photos    some good guys, some bad...gorgeous pics
  Orchid Pollinator Photos
  Some North Carolina Leps
  Photographs from Nature: Canadian Butterfly Gallery
  ENature Online Field Guides  Many photos of insects, some very good, some not so
  Bees, Microscopy, and Mathematics   Seeing honeybees thru a microscope
Stein's Virtual Insectary
  A Scanning Electron Microscope Atlas of the Honey Bee   USDA ARS Lab, AZ   extreme magnifications
  Gallery of Citrus Pollination Pictures
  Keith Edkins bee/wasp closeup photos:  UK
  Dr. Adam's photo collection of southeastern Leps   Awesome!  Hundreds of photos, many caterpillars included.
Lynn Scott's Moths of the Ottawa Area   comprehensive photos of living, not pinned moths.
Moths of a Connecticut Yard   nice pics, most nocturnal
My Bit of the Planet,   Great ladybugs, leaf cutter bees, and wildlife pics from an English garden
Garden Safari  Very good hymenoptera photos in Holland, as well as other insects and wildlife
Bob Patterson's entomology Hobby Page   Florida images

Flowers  See also the Pictoral Plant/Pollinator Database
Wild Flower survives hard frost: Can you identify?

Flower Photo Galleries:
Stein's Virtual Herbarium
Florida Wild Flower Showcase
Arizona Wildflower Images
Wildflowers and gardening in the Hudson Valley with artist and writer, Polly Law
Missouri Wildflowers
Susan Farmer's Wildflower Photos
Garden Flowers in Central NY
Oklahoma Wildflower Database    Also includes a few exceptional insect photos
Stein's Virtual Herbarium
Reny's Wildflowers   California & western USA, Indexed by common and scientific names.
