Beekeeper Resources
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Beekeeping Portal Sites:

Apiservices: The Virtual Beekeeping Gallery   -A huge site in four languages.
Allen Dick's Home Page    Allen, an Albertan beekeeper is one of the smartest in the business; many thought-provoking articles on bee management, Bee List archives and much more.
Barry Birkey's Bee Source, news, forums, equipment plans, worldwide list of suppliers of bees and equipment.
Zachary Huang's Cyberbee   a site dedicated to the honeybee, lots of  links to researchers
Beehoo: a world beekeeping directory    France
The Beekeepers' Home Page on the Internet      Hundreds of links

Other Outstanding Web Sites:

Non-English World Web Sites       Alta Vista's Translation Engine
Valuable Sites that do not provide an English translation

Enlaces de Apicultura   Espania   Extensive list of Spanish language beekeeping sites

Beekeeper Forums:

Bee List
A worldwide list of other bee mailing lists  by Allen Dick
Beenet in Europe
Irish Beekeeping List   To join: Send a blank e-mail to
Newsgroup:   sci.agriculture.beekeeping    how to subscribe, by Allen Dick
    America Online and Compuserve have beekeeper bulletin boards that can be found in the hobby sections.Entomology Discussion Groups   post messages, links, and images, dedicated forum for carpenter bees (under Hymenoptera Conference) and a dedicated conference on Apiculture
    Bombus List  to subscribe to a list on bumblebees, send an e-mail to: 
listserv@LISTSERV.UMD.EDU   with the message:  subscribe BOMBUS-L  <your name>

Beekeeping Periodicals:  

Practical Tips:

Calculating Costs of Pollination Service   Part of a comprehensive western Australia pollination manual
How to buy bees
Protect Yourself When Buying Used Equipment
Can I Keep Bees in Suburbia?
A Guide to Managing Bees for Crop Pollination
Urban Beekeeping   Australia
Africanized Bees: Arizona Lesson Plans
Database of northern USA bee forage plants   Ohio
Images for bee disease identification    Hawaii
Control Varroa mites without chemicals  Holland
Beekeeper Library     Health effects of bee products   Russia
Late winter/early spring is the most dangerous time for your bees. Starvation lurks to catch the complaisant beekeeper.

Odds n' Ends

Washboarding    Did you ever see this mysterious bee-havior?   2 slides.
Hiving an Easy Swarm  - a Brief Slide Show    5 slides.
A swarm that came to me  while I was making nucs  Can't get any easier than this!
Transferring Wild Bees into a Hive - a Slide Show
Watch a short movie clip of dancing swarm scouts    The dance is so fast that the bee is a blur! (Note: You must have software that can open MPG files)
Listen to young queens piping  
(Note: You must have a computer that can open sound files)
Beekeeping in the digital age   Tom Sanford's articles on electronic beekeeping
Exploitation of the Male Gender: Learn about this chauvinism of the bees at Wayne's World

Bees & Equipment for Sale: Classified ads              Our Own Buy and Sell Page

Barry Birkey's Page: Go to the Exhange
Allen Dick's Classified Ads
Morris Weaver: Broker of bees and bee equipment

     If you'd like to submit a site for consideration, please contact the webmaster.   We are mostly looking for informational sites.  No commercial sites are endorsed.

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