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15 sites found in History

  Au commencement était l'abeille - France
Il y a environ 60 millions d'années des abeilles existaient. Les paléontologues découvrirent leurs fossiles dans les ambres de la Baltique. Le nom de ces abeilles déjà sociales est electrapis apoïdea Manning.


  Beekeeping history - Spain
Beekeeping history



  Beekeeping history points - Carolina
A drawing on the wall of a cave in eastern Spain may be the most ancient record of the association between humans and honey bees. The drawing, perhaps as much as 9000 years old, depicts a human figure scaling a ladder to gather honeycomb from a hive of wild bees


  Beekeeping in ancient Egypt - Egypt
The first official mentioning of beekeeping dates from about 2400 BCE, in official lists of apiarists


  Beekeeping in rural areas - Canada
Honey hunting," or gathering wild honey in the tropical rainforest, is a traditional activity in Malaysia from which beekeeping has slowly evolved



  Egptian Art of Beekeeping - Egypt
Beehives have been in use in Egypt for almost 5000 years. This is an ancient art which has influenced the entire Mediterranean region, extending eastward into the Middle East and southward into tropical Africa.


  From traditional fixed comb to modern frame hive - Nepal
A short guidance to a modern Apis cerana beekeeping


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Abeilles, Généralités, Biologie, Histoire, Revues, Livres, Musées, Universités, Syndicats / Associations, Photos, Information, Développement, Apiculture, Débuter, Distributeurs, Fabricants, Apiculteurs, Eleveurs, Pollinisation, Pages Perso, Formations, Varroa / Maladies, Produits de la ruche, Miel, Gelée royale, Hydromel, Pollen, Propolis, Cire, Venin, Gastronomie, Bougies, Santé / Apithérapie, Allergies, Apithérapie, Laboratoires, Hyménoptères, Bourdons, Guêpes / Frelons, Entomologie, Internet / Divers, Best Of, Internet, Usenet, Logiciels apicoles, Listes de diffusion, Divers
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