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Inside IFOAM
To fulfill its mission as facilitator of the worldwide organic movement, IFOAM depends on a system of internal structures and individuals operating in response to the Federation's evolving plans and objectives.

IFOAM guides organic movements toward the six central goals stipulated in our Program 2011, which also provides a work plan for the four-year period.  The core themes developed by the World Board for the current period are: Be the international authority and most effective voice on all matters organic; Increase market share for organic products and access to them at local, regional and international levels; Enhance capacity of the organic sector to sustain growth and development; Create "think spaces" to cultivate the organic future; Ensure an effectively managed organization with sufficient and sustainable resources.

As the Board is elected by the General Assembly, these two bodies exist in a dynamic relationship and our work plans and goals are only adopted after input from both entities. In addition, a number of committees serve to ensure thorough and efficient work on specific subject areas, while staff at the Head Office manage the overall functioning of the Federation.

As an independent, global, non-profit organization with over 750 member organizations, IFOAM has a rich history that spans over three decades. Our development will continues on all levels, from objectives to human resources.
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