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Western IPM Center Annual Reports

See also the Western IPM Center's mid-term report (April, 2006)

2007 (PDF* 789K)

  • Director's Comments
  • Highlights of WIPMC Grants Programs
  • Impacts: Special Issues
    • Special Issues Projects Yield Results
  • Addressing Western IPM Issues
    • Newly Funded Projects
  • Collaborations
    • Housing and Urban Development
    • Legume-PIPE Program in the West
    • SYSCO 2007 Sustainable/IPM Conference
    • Sustainable Agriculture Opening Stakeholder Dialogue Meeting
    • Information Networks Solve Problems
    • National IPM Evaluation Group
  • Work Groups: Western IPM Center Sponsors Seven Work Groups
  • Work Group Impacts
    • Crop Insect Losses and Impact Assessment Work Group
    • Curly Top Virus Biology, Transmission, Ecology, and Management Work Group
    • Western IPM Center Work Group on Weather Systems
    • Oregon and Washington Small Fruits Work Group
    • Western Region Urban Residential and Institutional IPM Work Group
    • Western Region School IPM Implementation and Assessment Work Group
  • PMSP Impacts

2006 (PDF* 8.1 MB)

  • Director's Comments
  • Highlights of WIPMC Grants Programs
  • Impacts: Special Issues
    • Special Issues Projects Yield Results
  • Addressing Western IPM Issues
    • Newly Funded Critical Issues Projects
  • Collaborations
    • National IPM Evaluation Group
    • A Pest Management Strategic Plan for IPM in Schools in the United States
    • Information Networks Solve Problems
  • New Staff
    • Diane Clarke Joins Western IPM Center as Writer
  • Work Groups: Western IPM Center Sponsors Seven Work Groups
  • Work Group Impacts
    • OnePlan IPM Planner Work Group
    • Structural Pest IPM Work Group
    • Small Fruits Work Group for Oregon and Washington
    • Crop Insect Losses and Impact Assessment Work Group

2005 (PDF* 1.2 MB)

  • Director's Comments
  • Eight Grants Funded in Western Region IPM Grants Program
  • Collaborations
    • Western IPM Center Trains USEPA/BEAD Staff
    • Information Networks Solve Problems
    • Indicators Workgroup Studying Key Issues
  • Resources
    • Got Questions? They Supply the Answers
    • WIPMC Symposium on Water and Pest Management Concerns
  • Western IPM Center Addresses Critical Issues
  • Three Lead the Center
  • Workgroups: WIPM Center Sponsors Seven Workgroups
    • Crop Insect Losses and Impact Workgroup
    • Pacific Northwest Workgroup
    • Weather Systems Workgroup

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Western Integrated Pest Management Center

Pest Management Centers are sponsored by the United States Department of Agriculture,
Cooperative State Research, Education and Extension Service