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About Us

Alaska Crop Profiles

Other Alaska Pest Management Links

Alaska Agricultural Links

Western Region Pest Management  Links

Federal Pest Management Links

Pesticide Labels/MSDS

PNW Handbooks

*Hot Line Numbers* Poison Control Chemical Spills


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This Web Page is funded by the Western Region Integrated Pest Management Center. Please visit them at: http://www.wrpmc.ucdavis.edu/


The Alaska Pest Management Program provides all Alaskans with a comprehensive pest management and pesticide information resource.  Working in cooperation with other university, state and federal programs the APMP strives to keep growers, homeowners, small/large businesses, agencies and the public informed and updated on current pesticide information.

The Alaska Pest Management Program is federally funded through the direction of the Western Region Integrated Pest Management Center–WRPMC (Davis, CA) to provide information, prioritize and coordinate pest management research, extension and educational programs and respond to the informational needs of the public and private sectors on a statewide basis.

The Alaska Pest Management Program offers consolidated information on current Pesticide Applicator Training dates; EPA product evaluations/registrations/cancellations; state crop profiles; Alaska agricultural information; pesticide labels/material safety data sheets (MSDS) and useful state, regional and federal linkages to other pest management and pesticide resources.  In addition the APMP acts as a two-way conduit for pest management information with USDA’s Office of Pest Management Policy and the EPA’s Office of Pesticide Programs.

For additional information regarding the Alaska Pest Management Program please contact:

Tom Jahns
Program Coordinator  fftrj@uaf.edu

Janice Chumley
Program Assistant

UAF - Cooperative Extension Service
43961 K-Beach Road, Suite A
Soldotna, AK  99669
Phone:(907) 262-5824
Fax:(907) 262-3939


This Page Last update January 2009

Home | About Us | Alaska Crop Profiles | Other Alaska Pest Management Links
Alaska Agricultural Links |Western Region Pest Management Links|
Federal Pest Management Links | Pesticide Labels/MSDS
|  PNW Handbooks |  Hot Line Numbers