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Canada, Mexico and the United States cooperating to protect North America's shared environment.

Workshop weighs trade as conservation tool: Expert presentations now available online

Cancun, Mexico, 10/11/2006 – Top conservation experts say efforts to preserve the diversity of plant and animal species in North America must include economic policies that support better agricultural, fishing and extractive resource management. They say that international systems of protected areas should be complemented by economic policies and market forces that protect the majority of species which continue to be dependent upon human-dominated land and seascapes.

The comments were made at this week’s public workshop on conservation and trade, hosted by the Commission for Environmental Cooperation’s Joint Public Advisory Committee (JPAC)—an international citizen advisory group appointed by the governments of Canada, Mexico and the United States.

Speaking at the opening session of the meeting, Mexican Environment Minister José Luis Luege emphasized Mexico’s record of sustainable development and the protection of his country’s wealth of species and habitats—noting that Mexico now has 34 internationally recognized biosphere reserves.

Presentations by marine and terrestrial conservation biologists, trade experts, government officials and nongovernmental organizations focused upon the management of protected areas, cross-boundary land conservation, and the status and protection of endangered and threatened species—all in the context of freer trade among our three countries. Nine of these presentations are now available online.

The JPAC will assess the expert presentations and public discussion and submit to the CEC Council its advice and recommendations concerning the importance of biodiversity conservation as well as the CEC’s proposed Operational Plan 2007-2009. JPAC will include in its consideration any comments on the Operational Plan submitted by 24 November. Comments may be sent to Marcela Orozco at morozco@cec.org.



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