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Canada, Mexico and the United States cooperating to protect North America's shared environment.

JPAC seeks public comment on its new Draft Strategic Plan

Montreal, 8/11/2005 – The Joint Public Advisory Committee (JPAC) of the Commission for Environmental Cooperation (CEC) today released for public comment its draft Strategic Plan for 2006–2010.

In June 2005, the CEC Council adopted a strategic plan to guide the Commission over the next five years. To enhance North American public participation in the implementation of the CEC's strategic plan, JPAC has developed its own vision and plan for its activities over this period.

The JPAC strategic plan is based on three working principles: transparency, outreach and engagement. During a JPAC Regular Session on 11 October 2005, in Mexico City, JPAC organized a public consultation on the framework document. The comments received and JPAC's further deliberations have been used to revise the document.

JPAC is now seeking further public input on both the approach and specific actions that might best achieve its goals. To assist in this review, the public is asked to please note the final section of the draft document, summarizing input received to date that JPAC considers achievable. Members of the public wishing to comment on the draft are asked to use this as a springboard for further comments, ideas and detail. Input received will be considered for adoption in early 2006.

The public comment period ends 9 December 2005. The full text is available at this address.

Written comments should be sent to Marcela Orozco, JPAC Liaison Officer at the address below or by e-mail at morozco@cec.org. Comments received will be posted on this web site for public notice in the language in which they are submitted.


Related document(s)

Official document

 Strategic Plan of the Joint Public Advisory Committee (JPAC) 2006-2010




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