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Canada, Mexico and the United States cooperating to protect North America's shared environment.

Four new members appointed to the CEC's Joint Public Advisory Committee

Montreal, 2/11/2004 – The Chair of Joint Public Advisory Committee (JPAC) of the Commission for Environmental Cooperation (CEC) of North America, Ms. Donna Tingley, is pleased to announce that a new Canadian JPAC member has been appointed by the Environment Minister of Canada, Stéphane Dion, and three new Mexican JPAC members were appointed by Secretary Alberto Cárdenas Jiménez.

New JPAC member from Canada

Gordon Lambert
Mr. Lambert is sustainable development vice president for Suncor Energy in Calgary, Alberta.

New JPAC members from Mexico

Eduardo Rincón Mejía
Mr. Rincón Mejía is president of the Board of Directors of the National Association of Solar Energy (Asociación Nacional de Energía Solar—ANES), in Toluca, Mexico.

Carlos Armando Rincón Valdés
Mr. Rincón Valdés is director of Mexico-United States environmental projects at the nongovernmental organization Environmental Defense, in El Paso, Texas.

Héctor Javier Sepúlveda Valle
Mr. Sepúlveda is technical director of the "La Corona" soap factory in Ecatepec, Mexico.

The CEC was established by Canada, Mexico and the United States to build cooperation among the North American Free Trade Agreement partners in implementing NAAEC, the environmental side accord to NAFTA. The CEC addresses environmental issues of continental concern, with particular attention to the environmental challenges and opportunities presented by continent-wide free trade.

JPAC is a 15-member, independent, volunteer body that provides advice and public input to Council on any matter within the scope of NAAEC. JPAC is composed of fifteen members, five from each of the three NAFTA countries, and is responsible for providing advice to the CEC Council on any matter within the scope of NAAEC.

For more information or to obtain other documents related to JPAC, including the list of JPAC members and the next meetings, please consult the CEC's home page or place a request with Carla Sbert at the CEC Secretariat, e-mail: csbert@ccemtl.org, fax: (514) 350-4314 or telephone: (514) 350-4305.



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