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Canada, Mexico and the United States cooperating to protect North America's shared environment.

Online database of sustainable consumption initiatives in North America launched

Montreal, 21/04/2004 – The Commission for Environmental Cooperation (CEC) today announced with its partners the launch of a new online database cataloguing information about sustainable consumption and production initiatives in North America.

For the first time, Internet users will be able to access a single web site (http://nasca.icspac.net/db/) to learn about sustainable consumption projects that they can support, join or replicate in their own community.

Approximately 200 initiatives and programs are listed in the searchable database, covering such issues as advertising and marketing, children and youth, cleaner production, consumer products, organic products, procurement, poverty, tourism, trade, transport and waste.

"The diversity of initiatives featured in the database highlights the willingness in North America to move toward sustainable consumption and production patterns," said Chantal Line Carpentier, head of the Environment, Economy and Trade program at the CEC.

The database is an initiative of the North American Sustainable Consumption Alliance (NASCA), a strategic partnership of people and organizations working to promote more sustainable consumption patterns in Mexico, Canada and the United States.

Partners in the NASCA are the Commission for Environmental Cooperation, the Canadian Centre for Pollution Prevention, Environment Canada, the Lowell Center for Sustainable Production, Integrative Strategies Forum, the University of Sonora, and the United Nations Environment Programme.

For more information about the North American Sustainable Consumption Alliance, visit <http://nasca.icspac.net/>.

To register your organization's sustainable consumption and production activities in the database, please visit <http://nasca.icspac.net/db/>.



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