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Canada, Mexico and the United States cooperating to protect North America's shared environment.

Call for Public Comments on a Draft Framework for Public Participation in CEC Activities

Montreal, 19/03/1999 – 1999. In 1998, the Council of the Commission for Environmental Cooperation (CEC) requested that the Secretariat, in cooperation with the Joint Public Advisory Committee (JPAC), develop a mechanism for informing, educating and consulting the North American public that would be applicable to all of the CEC's public participation activities.

The public is invited to participate in this process by sending their comments on a Draft Framework for Public Participation.

Once the comments are received, the Secretariat will summarize them and, working with JPAC, will prepare a new draft, which will be presented to Council for its approval.

Please make sure that your comments are sent to Manon Pepin at CEC Secretariat no later than 19 April 1999, at <mpepin@ccemtl.org>, by fax at (514) 350–4314 in Montreal or at (525) 659-5023 in Mexico City, or at one of the mailing address noted below. With your comments, please include your name, firm or organization, address, telephone and fax numbers, as well as e-mail address:

Commission for Environmental Cooperation
393 St. Jacques West
Suite 200
Montréal, Québec H2Y 1N9

Comisión para la Cooperación Ambiental
Progreso No. 3 (Viveros de Coyoacán)
Col. Del Carmen Coyoacán, Delegación Coyoacán
México, D.F. 04110

The Commission for Environmental Cooperation (CEC) was created in 1994 by the North American Agreement on Environmental Cooperation (NAAEC) to facilitate cooperation and public participation in fostering conservation, protection and enhancement of the North American environment for the benefit of present and future generations, in the context of increasing economic, trade and social links between Canada, Mexico and the United States.

The CEC consists of a Council of cabinet-level officials from the three countries—Canadian Environment Minister Christine Stewart, Mexican Secretary of the Environment, Natural Resources and Fisheries Julia Carabias, and US Environmental Protection Agency Administrator Carol Browner—a Secretariat and a Joint Public Advisory Committee (JPAC).



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