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Canada, Mexico and the United States cooperating to protect North America's shared environment.

25 environmental projects receive $1 million from CEC

Montreal, 14/10/1999 – Grants to 25 community-based environmental projects across North America were announced today by the Montreal-based Commission for Environmental Cooperation (CEC). The grants, provided by the CEC's North American Fund for Environmental Cooperation (NAFEC), total some US$1 million.

Chosen from over 300 applications, the projects were selected on the basis of their potential to reinforce the four program priorities of the CEC (environment, economy and trade; conservation of biodiversity; pollutants and health; and law and policy). Two NGOs, Equiterre (Montreal) and Conservation International (Mexico), for example, will receive CEC support for their community-based work in developing the environmentally sound shade coffee industry, a subject also being pursued by the CEC as part of its work in trade and environment (see CEC press release, "CEC Study sheds new light on Consumer Appetite for Shade Coffee," or http://www.cec.org).

"These grassroots projects are crucial," says the CEC's Executive Director Janine Ferretti. "They do real things on the ground that bring local people into the discussion. We've got to be able to make these links between policy and the people affected. That's how you do sustainability."

A project in Oaxaca, Mexico, and another in the Queen Charlotte Islands of British Columbia will bring communities together to develop plans for ecologically responsible management of local forests. "These are just two examples of projects that really add value to our program in the conservation of biodiversity," says Ferretti, "because conservation is ultimately about local people deciding to protect the resources that sustain them and finding solutions to conflicts that arise among different stakeholders."

Click here for more information on the 25 projects receiving NAFEC grants today, including contacts.

NAFEC has been in operation since 1996, and made its 100th grant in May of this year. Today's announcement brings the total funding provided to NGOs through NAFEC to nearly US$5 million. Many of the recipients are able to use the NAFEC grant to leverage additional funds from other sources.

The CEC was established under the NAFTA environmental side accord, the North American Agreement on Environmental Cooperation (NAAEC), to address environmental issues in North America from a continental perspective, with a particular focus on those arising in the context of liberalized trade.

For additional information, contact Charles Dickson at the CEC at (514) 350-4308, or e-mail at cdickson@ccemtl.org



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