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Canada, Mexico and the United States cooperating to protect North America's shared environment.

Updates on the Workshop on the Public History of Submissions under Articles 14 and 15 and the last JPAC Regular Session

Montreal, 21/12/2000 – The Joint Public Advisory Committee (JPAC) of the North American Commission for Environmental Cooperation (NACEC) hosted a workshop on the Public History of Submissions under Articles 14 and 15 on 7 December and held its fourth regular session of 2000 on 8 December in Montreal, Canada.

Articles 14 and 15

The workshop was very successful and well attended. Participants arrived prepared and the exchanges were focused and productive. In light of this, JPAC decided not to hold a second workshop during the June Council session and instead will move directly to the preparation of a draft final report. Note that the deadline for providing written comments on the Public History of Submissions under Articles 14 and 15 is 31 January 2001. Public input on this important issue is essential to JPAC. It is expected that this draft will be available for public review in early April and JPAC's plans call for its approval and release to Council during the June session.

Regarding the draft JPAC Public Review of Issues concerning the Implementation and Further Elaboration of Articles 14 and 15, JPAC decided to review the public comments received on this process during its next session.

Emerging Environmental Trends Issue

The JPAC regular session was held in conjunction with a public meeting organized by the Intergovernmental Advisory Group on Emerging Environmental Trends to discuss the report summarizing the results of its online questionnaire and seek further public input on its work. JPAC took note of the public's view on how to proceed with the trends work. JPAC members decided not to prepare an Advice to Council this session, preferring instead to revisit the topic during the next JPAC regular session.

JPAC Membership

Regina Barba, JPAC chair for 2000, announced her resignation as chair and member at the end of the session. She has been appointed to a senior position responsible for public participation in the new Mexican administration. This was also the last meeting for Mary Simon, a JPAC Canadian member, whose term ends on 31 December. Ms. Liette Vasseur, from Canada, has been elected chair of JPAC for 2001. The chair is elected by Committee members for a one-year term and by rotation from among the JPAC members appointed from each country.

Next JPAC Session

JPAC will hold its next regular session in conjunction with a public meeting on North American Trade and Transportation Corridors organized by NACEC. The meetings will take place on 15–16 March 2001, in Winnipeg, Canada.

NACEC was established by Canada, Mexico and the United States to build cooperation among the North American Free Trade Agreement (NAFTA) partners in implementing NAAEC, the environmental side accord to NAFTA. NACEC addresses environmental issues of continental concern, with particular attention to the environmental challenges and opportunities presented by continent-wide free trade.

JPAC is a 15-member, independent, volunteer body that provides advice and public input to Council on any matter within the scope of NAAEC.



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