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States Moving Toward Comprehensive Health Care Reform

With the problem of the uninsured continuing to grow, states have taken the lead in developing proposals to reform their health care systems with the goal of significantly increasing the number of people with health care coverage. Three states, Maine, Massachusetts and Vermont, have enacted and are implementing reform plans that seek to achieve near universal coverage of state residents. Many other governors and legislators have announced comprehensive reform proposals or have established commissions charged with developing recommendations on how to expand coverage. As of November 2008, 3 states had enacted and 14 states were moving toward comprehensive reform.

The following summary of state health care reform initiatives is current as of November 5, 2008. The map and summaries will be updated on our websites (www.kff.org and www.health08.org) to reflect developments as they occur. We encourage you to check back periodically for the most up-to-date information on state comprehensive reform initiatives.

Select a highlighted state below for detailed information.


Information provided by the Kaiser Commission on Medicaid and the Uninsured
Publish Date: 2008-11-05


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