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Writing Letters To Congress & Sample Letter

The Two-Minute Letter

An effective letter to Congress needs three things: 

  1. Put your name and address at the end of your letter AND on the envelope, so your members of Congress know that you are one of the people they represent.

  2. Ask for specific action, using the sentence below or your own words:

    "Please include a boost in SNAP benefit levels and additional funding for WIC and food banks in the economic stimulus package."

  3. Give reasons why. Examples are:
  • Rising unemployment and stagnant wages make it harder for low-income workers to provide food for their families, especially in light of sharply higher food prices.
  • Programs that help these families are being strained by increased need and high food costs.
    • Because of increased need, record numbers of people are enrolling in SNAP. But as food prices rise, families can buy less food with the same SNAP benefit.
    • WIC and food banks can only serve as many people as there is funding available. Without additional funding, the programs will likely turn people away this year.

Send your letter to Congress. 

Put each letter in a separate envelope and address it. Send your letter to:

Sen. __________
U.S. Senate 
Washington, DC 20510

Rep. _________
U.S. House of Representatives
Washington, DC 20515


Sample Letter


Dear Rep. ________ or Dear Sen. ______, 

Please include a boost in SNAP (formerly food stamps) benefit levels and additional funding for WIC and food banks in the economic stimulus package Congress is preparing for January.

Rising unemployment and stagnant wages make it harder for low-income workers to afford enough food for their families, especially in light of sharply higher food prices. Unemployment is at its highest level in 14 years. Grocery prices are up 7.5% from a year ago, growing almost 3 times more than the average year. Families in my community are having to choose between basic necessities like food and heat.

Programs in place to help vulnerable families are being strained by sharply increased enrollment and higher food costs. Because of increased need, record numbers of people are enrolling in SNAP. But as food prices rise, families can buy less food with the same SNAP benefit. WIC and food banks can only serve as many people as there is funding available. Without additional funding, the programs will likely have to turn people away later this year.

Congress must ensure that families have enough to eat. A temporary boost in SNAP benefit levels will ensure that participants can afford the food they need for their families. Additional funding for WIC and food banks will allow those programs to continue to serve all who need food.

Please ensure that the economic stimulus package includes critical nutrition assistance.

Your Name
Your Address


For more information, please contact your Bread for the World organizer.

Your letter may take 2-4 weeks to get to Congress, but that's okay. It will make an important difference for people who are hungry and poor throughout our world.

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