Climate Change and Variability
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To increase the adoption of climate risk management amongst farmers and natural resource managers and improve seasonal forecasting. 
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Completed Projects in 2005-2006 & Research in Progress as at June 2006
Collaborative Partnership for Farm Health and Safety Research Program:
Strategies for 2007-2008 Key longterm strategies
Background Expected key outcomes in 2007-2008
Key Performance Indicators Total program budget 2007-2008
New Projects funded in 2007-2008
Industry related links:

Key long term strategies
The new program will have five themes:
  • Seasonal forecasting
  • Water resources
  • Agricultural applications
  • Adaptation to climate change
  • Adoption and communications
The understanding of anthropogenic warming and cooling influences on climate has improved over the last decade. There is now a very high confidence that human activities since 1750 have had a warming effect globally (Summary for Policy Makers Intergovernmental Panel Climate Change WG1 Fourth Assessment Report February 2007). 

Climate change poses challenges for all sectors in the Australian economy, and particularly for agriculture with its dependence on natural resources. Agriculture has high exposure, particularly in regions such as the Murray Darling Basin, central Queensland and south western Western Australia. There may also be opportunities resulting from climate change such as growth of new agricultural industries.

The Australian Government recently released the National Agriculture & Climate Change Action Plan 2006–2009 with four key aspects:

  • Adaptation strategies to build resilience into agricultural systems
  • Mitigation strategies to reduce greenhouse gas emissions
  • R&D to enhance the agricultural sector’s capacity to respond to climate change
  • Awareness and communication to inform decision-making by primary producers and rural communities
  • There has been over a decade of R&D investment in short-term climate variability through the Managing Climate Variability Program (MCVP) coordinated by Land & Water Australia on behalf of a consortium of Research and Development Corporations. It is now recognised that a longer term R&D focus needs to capture aspects of climate change as well. A new three year program is currently being scoped by Land & Water Australia for co-investment commencing 2007–08. 

    Key Strategies for 2007–08

    • Finalisation of science plan for the new program
    • Further negotiation of Research and Development Corporation contributions to the new program
    Expected key outcomes in 2007–08
  • Establishment of new Managing Climate Change and Variability Program managed on behalf of Research and Development Corporations by Land & Water Australia
  • New R&D investment in priority projects
  • Key Performance Indicators 
  • Foresighting the implications of extreme events (drought, flood, storm, frost) on industry development and productivity
  • Identifying likely shifts in the constraints and opportunities for primary production
  • Identifying new rural industries that might benefit from a changing natural environment
  • Assessing industry economic opportunities within the context of changing global production profiles and demand
  • Research Budget: $100,000

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    Last updated: September 2008
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