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The New Rules Project - Environment Sector Rules

We take our environment for granted. When we flip the light switch we expect the light to go on. We don't much care why or how that happens. And most people don't care about the intricate workings of our solid waste system of disposal and recovery, unless that system breaks down or rates skyrocket.

Without responsibility, authority will be exercised in shortsighted ways. This section of the web site identifies rules that encourage communities to adopt a longer perspective and embrace policies that are responsible to the next generation. The most enduring way to reduce pollution is to extract the maximum value from local resources. The higher the efficiency, the lower the waste, the lower the pollution.

This section identifies the rules--tax policies, regulations, ordinances, etc.-- that best reflect that philosophy. Such rules encourage entrepreneurial energy and investment capital and scientific genius to maximize efficiency and the harnessing of renewable resources. Rather than a comprehensive listing of all measures that protect the environment, we list those that are the most rigorous, or innovative, or far reaching.

Highlights from the New Rules of the Environment

Automobile Greenhouse Gas Emissions Rule - California - Building on existing law, this bill (AB1493) requires the California Air Resources Board to adopt procedures and protocols for the reporting and certification of reductions in greenhouse gas emissions from automobiles and trucks. More...

Billboard Bans - Hawaii - Four states currently ban billboards: Alaska, Hawaii, Maine and Vermont. It is no accident that these four states are known for their scenic beauty. More...

  • Carbon Caps With Universal Dividends
    Many proposals addressing climate change advocate for a cap on greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions or carbon content of fuels.  Returning money from future carbon allowance auctions as a per capita dividend creates a carbon cap policy that is ethical, equitable, and conducive to being politically successful.

    Cell Tower and Communication Towers Regulation - We've gathered up some key resources that will help your community stay ahead of the game and able to protect your citizenry from the unnecessary blight of cell tower proliferation. More...

    Community Impact Assessment - In order for approval, a new development must meet criteria established by the community and demonstrate that its overall impact will be positive. More...

    Corporate Good Character Law - Indiana - According to Indiana's law, a company seeking solid waste or hazardous waste permits from the IN Dept. of Environmental Management can be denied on a number of grounds. More...

    Dutch Investigation of Kilometer Tax - The idea is to charge drivers on a per kilometer basis and revamp the way up to $6 billion in road and vehicle taxes are collected. More...

    Environmental Ordinance - Jay, Maine - In 1988, the town of Jay, Maine, passed an ordinance that allowed the town to license, monitor and enforce the same environmental regulations that the state Dept. of Environmental Protection and the Federal EPA oversee. More...

    Ethanol and Biodiesel Production - various rules from states that are trying to establish a renewable fuels future based on farmer-ownership of the production facilities. More...

    Fertilizer and Pesticide Taxes - Several countries and states and cities have found that increasing the costs of agricultural inputs is an effective way to reduce their use. More...

    Hazardous Waste Tax - Vermont - Vermont has one of the highest tax rates on hazardous waste. The tax is based on the quantity of of the hazardous waste and its ultimate destination. More...

    Land Gains Tax - Vermont - Used to protect rural land from short-term speculation. First effective in 1973, the tax imposes very high taxes on sales of land held a short time and sold for a large profit. More...

    Light Pollution - Each night almost of a third of the light used out-of-doors escapes into the night sky where, instead of providing useful illumination, it causes glare, sky glow and other types of light pollution. More...

    Mercury Pollution - various rules to reduce the impacts and use of mercury containing products - from thermometers to coal-fired power plants. More...

    Noise Pollution - Many communities are fighting back, asserting their right to responsibly control excessive noise in public spaces. More...

    Off Road Vehicles and ATV Regulation - All Terrain Vehicles (ATVs) and other Off Road Vehicles (ORVs or Off-Highway Vehicles - OHVs) are facing grassroots movements to protect sensitive, natural areas from intrusion by ORVs. More...

    Renewable Portfolio Standards - a Renewables Portfolio Standard (RPS) ensures that a minimum amount of renewable energy is included in the portfolio of electricity providers serving a state or country. More...

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