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The Certified Organic Associations of BC provides support for this site: encouraging organic and alternative food production in Canada by improving accessibility to organic farming content online.

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Forums and Listserve

1. Organic Farming Forum
  • Open forum

2. Organic Aquaculture Forum

3. Join the Certified Organic Associations of BC Listserve
Subscription requires confirmation by replying to the message sent to your email address.

The BC Organic Farming Newsgroup has been established by the Certified Organic Associations of British Columbia (COABC) to provide a forum for organic farmers throughout BC to post questions, answers and exchange ideas with regards to productions and marketing issues. The newsgroup is primarily oriented towards practical issues related to organic agriculture in BC. However, we welcome participation from organic farmers and like-minded folks throughout the world.

  • A few examples of questions and messages that might be posted:
  • Wondering about the merits of a new variety of apple or carrot?
  • Sources of information about composting.
  • What is a good green manure to underseed in winter squash?
  • Announcing a research project to study a biological control agent.
  • To find out or tell people about organic workshops, meetings or publications.

. . . and on and on...

Note: We may adapt some of your practical advice for use on the Cyber-Help Q&A page. Neither your name or e-mail address will be displayed

Original material in this website may be reproduced in any form without permission on condition that it is accredited to Cyber-Help for Organic Farmers, with a link back to this site or, in the case of printed material, a clear indication of the site URL. We would appreciate being notified of such use. Although care has been taken in preparing the information contained in this web site, Cyber-Help for Organic Farmers does not and cannot guarantee the accuracy thereof. Anyone using the information does so at their own risk and shall be deemed to indemnify Cyber-Help for Organic Farmers, from any and all injury or damage arising from such use.

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