About Us

Newsroom Programs
Food & Farm Connection Resources

Our Mission
The Land Stewardship Project (LSP) is a private, nonprofit organization founded in 1982 to foster an ethic of stewardship for farmland, to promote sustainable agriculture and to develop sustainable communities. Click here for a printable LSP brochure.

Our Programs
LSP is a grassroots membership organization made up of farmers, as well as rural and urban residents working together to:

  • secure a healthful food supply,
  • preserve soil, water and wildlife,
  • support diversified, profitable family-sized farms,
  • organize communities for positive change,
  • hold corporations and government accountable,
  • and create a new sustainable vision for our food and agriculture system.

Our work is currently concentrated in the following four areas:

Annual Financial Statements for LSP
2006-2007 Financial Update
Click here to download the Land Stewardship Project's revenue and expense figures and statement of financial position for fiscal year 2006-2007.

LSP's 25th Anniversary
In 2007 the Land Stewardship Project is celebrating 25 years of keeping the land and people together. As part of that celebration, we have put together three special publications highlighting our history, our current work and our plans for the future:

  • Land Stewardship Project Long Range Plan: 2007-2012. Click here to download a pdf version of the plan (2.5 MB--may take awhile to download).
  • Land Stewardship Project: 25 Years of Keeping the Land & People Together. Our 25th Anniversary special report. Click here to download a pdf version of this publication (3.8 MB--may take awhile to download).
  • Land Stewardship Project 25 Years Strong: Keeping the Land & People Together is a two-page summary of our major accomplishments and plans for the future. Click here to download a pdf version of this publication.
  • 25 YEARS OF KEEPING THE LAND & PEOPLE TOGETHER is a timeline featuring highlights from LSP's quarter-century of existence. Click here to download a pdf version of this two-page publication.

New LSP Logo

In celebration of its 25th anniversary in 2007, LSP unveiled a new logo. High-resolution digital copies of the new LSP logo are available for downloading:

LSP Logo in JPEG

To download, click here

To download, click here


LSP Logo in TIFF

To download, click here

To download, click here


LSP Logo in EPS

To download, click here

To download, click here

Commemorative 25th Anniversary Poster

For its 25th anniversary, LSP commissioned a commemorative poster by artist Ricardo Levins Morales of the Northland Poster Collective. For almost three decades, the Northland Poster Collective (http://www.northlandposter.com) has featured the art of social justice, the tools of grassroots organizing and activism, and the craft of union workers. For LSP, the artist has created a beautiful piece entitled, "KEEPING THE LAND AND PEOPLE TOGETHER." It is a colorful poster portraying a food and farming system that benefits the land, its people and our communities.

A 17 x 22 high-quality, laminated copy of the artwork suitable for framing can be purchased for $8 if mailed; $5 if picked up at one of our offices or at an event. Prices include sales tax. To order by mail, contact Louise Arbuckle in LSP's Minneapolis office at 612-722-6377 or lspwbl@landstewardshipproject.org. Posters can also be purchased from our offices in the Minnesota communities of Lewiston (507-523-3366) and Montevideo (320-269-2105).

Our History
Since its founding in 1982, the Land Stewardship Project (LSP) has worked steadfastly for environmental and social justice in rural America. We began by educating rural and urban people on the ethics of farmland stewardship through cultural programs and by creating a farmer-to-farmer network to help farmers move to more sustainable farming methods. Later in response to growing concentration of farmland ownership, we demanded that corporations owning farmland be held accountable to good land stewardship practices. In response to urban sprawl, we initiated discussions on smart growth and farmland preservation options.

LSP has helped dozens of communities organize to stop factory farms and linked sustainable livestock producers to potential urban customers. Working in the Sustainable Agriculture Coalition, LSP backed federal policy promoting farming alternatives that are good for the land and good for farmers. We have introduced hundreds to Whole Farm Planning and Monitoring. And we have helped Community Supported Agriculture farms get established throughout the region.

Our Future
We aren't content to sit back and enjoy our accomplishments. Because there is still much work to be done, we are working to bring about the following ambitious achievements in the next five years:

  • A regional food system in the Upper Midwest that provides market opportunities for sustainable farmers and offers consumers wide choices for healthful food.
  • A rural citizens' movement to protect communities from concentrated power in the crop and livestock industries and reinvest in the land and sustainable rural communities.
  • A stewardship ethic that includes protection of natural biodiversity as well as soil and water on agriculture land.
  • Agricultural policy that provides incentives and rewards to farmers who provide multiple environmental and social benefits for society.

Career Opportunities
VOLUNTEERS: Volunteers are needed one day a week at our office in Minneapolis to perform a wide range of tasks in a fun environment. For more information, contact Abby Liesch at 612-722-6377 or aliesch@landstewardshipproject.org.

Our Offices, Staff and Board of Directors
LSP has offices in Minneapolis and in the rural Minnesota communities of Lewiston and Montevideo. Click here for a list of our staff, and office addresses and board of directors.

Our Members
We welcome you to join us. Basic membership begins at $35 a year and includes a year's subscription to our nationally recognized publication the Land Stewardship Letter, regular updates on food and agriculture issues that affect you, invitations to workshops and meetings, discounts on our resources and events, and opportunities to connect with others who share your values. Become a member today. Our members are the basis of our power and inspiration.



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Tel: 651 653-0618

 ©Land Stewardship Project, 2001

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