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Livestock - Dairy, Meat and Poultry Production - December 18, 2006. Canadian organic farming news
Canadian researchers produce healthier chickens with probiotics
A University of Guelph professor, and an Agriculture and Agri-Food Canada food researcher have found that giving chickens probiotics stimulates their immune system and reduces the Salmonella bacteria in their gut by more than 99%.
Full text.

Electric Prod and Organic Beef Production
Throughout the history of agriculture and in all facets of animal production, the welfare of farm animals has been impacted by a variety of economic, political, and social forces. Organic animal production is impacted by the same forces, but responds to them from within its own philosophical frame of reference. Concentration and centralization of the processing industry and increased societal awareness and concern about animal welfare issues have raised concerns about animal welfare during transportation and slaughter. In both organic and conventional agriculture, the accelerating rate of change affects all aspects of production and processing.
Read more [.doc format 101k]


What's Involved in Certfied Organic Livestock Production
A Cyber-Help original Shockwave animation (Download Macromedia Shockwave Player)
Organic Livestock Handbook
Sustainable Poultry Production
Integrated Parasite Management For Livestock (ATTRA)

Breed Selection

Breeds of Livestock (OK State)
Rare Breeds Canada (CHL)

Dairy Production

Value Added Dairy Options (ATTRA)
A Transition To Certified Organic Dairy Cow (Fluid) Budget (BCMAFF '02/pdf 287kb)
Grass-Based and Seasonal Dairying (ATTRA)
The Economics of Grass-Based & Seasonal Dairying (ATTRA)
Maximizing Milk on Homegrown Forages and Grains (NODPA)
Organic Dairy Farming
Dairy Farm Sustainability Checklist (ATTRA pdf 316 kb)
Sheep Milking (RIRDC)
Canadian Dairy Information Centre
Canadian Quality Milk Workbook Self-Evaluation Questionnaire & Reference manual
Transitioning To Organic Dairy Production (NODPA)

Meat Production

The Canadian Cattle Identification Agency (CCIA)
Beef Farm Sustainability Checksheet (ATTRA)
Dairy Beef (ATTRA)
Designing Feeding Programs for Natural and Organic Pork Production (UMN)
Considerations in Organic Hog Production (ATTRA/pdf)
Organic Pork Production: A Two-Litter Pasture Farrow-to-Finish Budget (ISA/pdf)
Profitable Pork: Strategies for Hog Producers (SARE)
Controlling risks of pathogen transmission by flies on organic pig farms [PDF]
Goat & Sheep
Bison farmingSustainable Goat Production: Overview (ATTRA)
Sustainable Sheep Production (ATTRA)
Bison Production (ATTRA)

Poultry Production
I'd sooner be a small bird in a hawk-filled wood than a caged chicken on a factory farm.
- Simon Barnes in How to be a Bad Birdwatcher

Chicken coop design - a collaborative resource

Meat Birds
Organic Poultry - Overview
Sustainable Livestock Production (ATTRA)
Selecting Organic Poultry Breeds (Internal link)
Free-Range, Pastured Poultry, Chicken Tractor - What's The Difference? (B40B)
Day Range Poultry - Yahoo Group
Profitable Poultry: Raising Birds on Pasture (SAN)
Range Poultry Housing (ATTRA)
Grass-Fed Chickens & Pastured Poultry
Pilot Studies in Organic Broiler Production (CUL-Sweden/pdf)
Photo tour of a Swiss Organic poultry farm

Upcoming Changes in Standards

In the latest draft of the Canadian National Standards there is a requirement that poultry layer birds must be organic from 2nd day of life. This is also true under U.S. NOP Standards. Currently COABC standards allow for a 90-day cleansing period (under organic management) for layers to convert from non-organic to organic. If the Canadian National Standards are passed as a mandatory minimum standard then COABC would have to change our standards to meet this requirement of organic layers being under organic management from 2nd day of life.
- by Sarah Davidson January 5, 2003

Free Range, Egg Layer (certified organic) Production Budget (BCMAFF '02/pdf)
Organic Poultry - Eggs (Acorn/pdf)
Alpine Chicken Tour - a look at innovative production techniques (New Farm)

Larger-scale Organic Free-range egg Farming in Australia

Pasture and Feeds

Pasture Management
Energy-Efficient Grass Based Meat & Veal Production & Marketing Manual (CADE/pdf 672kb)
Clover Silages in Forage Mixtures for Dairy Cows (IGER-UK)
Nutrient Cycling in Pastures (ATTRA)
Improving a System: Sheep, Goat Farmers Explore State of the Rumen (SARE)
Grass-Based Dairy Systems Prove a Water Quality Winner (SARE)
Assessing the Pasture Soil Resource (ATTRA)
Impact of Livestock on Soil (SAP)
Predator Control for Sustainable & Organic Livestock

Brock on Grass: Grassland pasture management and restoration

Certified organic alfalfa pellets - Canadian company
Organic Livestock Feed Suppliers (ATTRA)
Organic Diets for Small Poultry Flocks (MbGov)
A Nutritional Guide to Feeding Pacific Northwest Barley to Ruminants (IOU/pdf)
Online Poultry Nutrition (a link page from MISA)


Alternative Beef Marketing (ATTRA)
Alternative Marketing of Pork (ATTRA)

Economic Considerations and Tools

Economic Issues with Natural & Organic Beef (KSU/pdf)
Business Management Tools (OMAFRA)
Making Stock on the Farm (Weston A Price Foundation)
Cowpots - making plant pots with composted cow manure
Feasability Study For Energy Efficient On-farm Poultry & Small Ruminant Processing Plants (CADE/721kb pdf)

Environmental Assessment

Environmental Guidelines for Beef Producers (BCMAFF)
Environmental Guidelines for Dairy (BCMAFF)

Animal Health and Welfare

Alternative Methods of Controlling Internal Parasites in Ruminants (ABDN)
Animal Health Centre Newsletters (BCMAFF)
Organic parasite control in cattle (NSAIS)
The Control of Internal Parasites in Ruminants (EAP-McGill)
Controlling Goat Parasites -- Is It a Losing Battle? (Goat Connection)
Comparing Alternatives for Controlling Internal Parasites in Dairy Goats (C. Orr)
Cow Health - (W)holistic Animal Husbandry (NOPDA)
Cow Culling Decision Support System (AREC)
Drug Product Database (Health Canada)
SPCA Certified Labelling Program (BC SPCA)
How to Measure Animal Welfare? (NAHWOA)
Canadian Agri-food Research Council's Recommended Codes of Practice for the Raising and Handling of Farm Animals
Canadian Federal Acts & Regulations: farm animal slaughter & transportation
Homeopathy on the Family Farm
BC Provincial Acts and Regulations relating to farm animals

Livestock Drinking Water Quality

Canadian Water Quality Guidelines for the Protection of Agricultural Water Uses (PDF)
Water Quality Criteria for Microbiological Indicators (BCMAFF 1998)
Protecting Water Quality on Organic Farms (ATTRA/pdf)
Best Management Practices - Robocow (PFRA/.fla - flash player needed)
It's a bird. It's a plane. No, it's RoboCow. Able to leap tall silos in a single bound, this animated environmental advocate uses her ground-scan radar vision to detect on-farm perils. Like the best of all superheroes, she maps out solutions to hazards like improperly stored chemicals, pesticide run off and stream contamination.
Wellhead Protection (BCMAFF/pdf)
Grass-Based Dairy Systems Prove a Water Quality Winner (SARE)
Filtration: how does it work? (PFRA/.fla - flash player needed)
Polishing Methods To Improve Water Quality (PFRA/.fla - flash player needed)
Protocols for Deriving Water Quality Guidelines for the Protection of Agricultural Water Uses (Irrigation and Livestock Water) (Environment Canada)

Pertinent Federal (Canadian) & Provincial (BC) Regulations (in-site)
Farm Equipment
Marketing Your Product
Organic Prices (fruit and vegetables) (in-site)
On-Farm Food Safety
Small Scale Food Processing
Organic Certification
Pest Management

Livestock - Dairy, Meat and Poultry Production

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Organic Farming Forum

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