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Inauguration Event Information Not Yet Available

November 5, 2008




Thank you for your interest in this historic presidential election. Thousands of individuals who desire inaugural event tickets are calling our office. We have talked to President-Elect Barack Obama's office and have been informed that the presidential inaugural committee has not been formed and no details have been discussed or determined. We have been informed that relatively few tickets will be made available to members of Congress. If you desire tickets to any inaugural events please do not call our office. Instead, registered D.C. voters  should send an e-mail to nortoninaugurationrequests@gmail.com with your name, e-mail address, home address, and telephone number. If you live outside of the District of Columbia, contact your representatives in the House and the Senate. If tickets become available we will contact you.  Congresswoman Eleanor Holmes Norton and President-Elect Obama appreciate your interest.


Capitol Hill Office
2136 Rayburn HOB
Washington, D.C. 20515
p: (202) 225-8050
f: (202) 225-3002
S.E. District Office
2041 Martin Luther King Jr. Ave., S.E.
Suite 238
Washington, DC 20020
p: (202) 678-8900
f: (202) 678-8844
N.W. District Office
National Press Building
529 14th Street, N.W., Suite 900
Washington, DC 20045
p: (202) 783-5065
f: (202) 783-5211