Argonne National Laboratory

Users Week 2008
May 4-8, 2008

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Registration & Abstracts
Practical Matters

Satellite Workshops
Short Courses

- April 4: poster abstracts
- April 11: non-U.S. registration
- April 18: housing
- April 25: registration


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Past Meetings





Rosalind Franklin Young Investigator Award

Oleg G. Shpyrko, University of California, San Diego

The 2008 APS Users Organization Rosalind Franklin Young Investigator Award is presented to Oleg G. Shpyrko for applying surface and coherent x-ray scattering techniques to understanding of the structure and dynamics of liquid metal surfaces and quantum states in condensed matter systems.

Student Invited Talks

Advanced Photon Source

  • Joseph E. Bullock, Department of Chemistry, Northwestern University
    Title: Self-Assembling Charge-Separating Triads: The Nanoscale Approach to Organic Photovoltaics

Center for Nanoscale Materials

  • Pao Tai Lin, Northwestern University
    Title: Thermally Tunable Ferroelectric Thin-Film Photonic Crystals

Electron Microscopy Center

  • Daniel K. Schreiber, Dept. of Materials Science and Engineering, Northwestern University
    Title: Vortex Behavior in Patterned Magnetic Heterostructures with Circular Exchange-Bias

Student Poster Prizes

Advanced Photon Source Poster Prizes (unranked)

  • Christopher M. Hefferan, Carnegie Mellon University
    Title: High-Energy Diffraction Microscopy (HEDM) Measurement of Microstructures in 3D (abstract A-75)
  • Naji Husseini, University of Michigan
    Title: Real-Time In Situ Imaging of Crack Propagation in Nickel-Base Superalloys with Synchrotron Radiation (abstract A-09)
  • Mesut Varlioglu, Iowa State University
    Title: Investigation of Mesoscale Behavior of Ferroelectrics in Response to Electric Field and Temperature (abstract A-05)

Center for Nanoscale Materials Prize

  • Andrey Belkin, Dept. of Biological, Chemical, and Physical Sciences, Illinois Insitute of Technology, and Materials Science Division, Argonne National Laboratory
    Title: Anisotropic Superconductivity in MoGe-Permalloy Bilayers (abstract C-08)

Electron Microscopy Center Poster Prize

  • Carolyn Tomchik, Dept. of Nuclear, Plasma, and Radiological Engineering, University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign
    In Situ Ion Irradiations of Iron-Chromium (abstract E-05)


APS Poster Judges

Nadia Leyarovska, chair
Bernhard Adams
Dohn Arms
Mali Balasubramanian
Chris Benmore
Trudy Bolin
Soma Chattopadhyay
Eric Dufresne
Norma Duke
Stephan Ginell
Thomas Gog
David Gore
Ivan Kuzmenko
Beongdu Lee
Qing Ma
Anne Mulichak
Matt Newville
Doug Robinson
Michael Sprung
Jeff Terry
Jun Wang
Xiaoyi Zhang

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